Company Announcement No 26/2024 | Peberlyk 4 6200 Aabenraa Denmark Tel +45 74 37 37 37 Fax +45 74 37 35 36 Sydbank A/S CVR No DK 12626509, Aabenraa |
27 June 2024 |
Dear Sirs
Sydbank A/S to acquire Coop Bank A/S – terms of acquisition have been met
We refer to Sydbank´s Company Announcement No 18 dated 21 May 2024 and can inform you that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority have approved the acquisition by Sydbank A/S of Coop Bank A/S.
It is expected that the transaction will be implemented as soon as possible and no later than by the end of July 2024.
Yours sincerely
Karen Frøsig Jørn Adam Møller
CEO Deputy Group Chief Executive