Disclosure of transactions in own shares from July 01st to July 05th, 2024

Nanterre, July 08th, 2024                     

Disclosure of transactions in own shares 
From July 01st to July 05th, 2024

Within the framework of the authorization granted by the General Meeting of VINCI SA of April 09, 2024, to trade in its shares and in accordance with the regulations relating to share buybacks, VINCISA (LEI:213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) declares the purchases of treasury shares below (FR0000125486), carried out From July 01st to July 05th, 2024:

I - Aggregate presentation by day and by market

Issuer’s nameDate of transactionIdentifying code of financial instrumentAggregated daily volume (in number of shares)Daily weighted average price of the purchased shares in EuroMarket (MIC code)
VINCI01/07/2024FR000012548620 589101,561489XPAR
VINCI02/07/2024FR000012548679 539100,780951XPAR
VINCI03/07/2024FR000012548634 655102,081539XPAR
VINCI04/07/2024FR000012548674 683102,984947XPAR
VINCI05/07/2024FR000012548650 306104,947938XPAR
  TOTAL259 772102,4569 

II - Details of transactions

In accordance with Article 5 (1) (b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (Regulation on market abuse), detailed information is available on the VINCI website : https://www.vinci.com/vinci.nsf/en/finance-stock-market-shareholders-transactions/pages/index.htm



VINCI - Market declaration share purchase CACIB 010724-050724