KRAS Inhibitors Drugs Market Forecast Clinical Trials Companies FDA Approval Insight

Global KRAS Inhibitors Drug Market Is Expected to surpass US$ 600 Million By 2030 Says Kuick Research In Recently Published Research Publication

Delhi, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global KRAS Inhibitors Market and Clinical Trials Future Outlook 2030 Report Highlights:

  • Global KRAS Inhibitors Sales Growth In 2023: 10%
  • Global KRAS Inhibitors Market Opportunity: > 600 Million By 2030
  • Global KRAS Inhibitor Market Insight By Region and Indications
  • Approved KRAS Inhibitors: 2
  • KRAS Inhibitors In Clinical Trials > 90 Drugs
  • Global KRAS Inhibitor Clinical Trials Insight By Country, Company, Indication and Phase

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It is known fact that KRAS is one of the most mutated proteins which are predominately found in majority of cancer ailments and, for that reason, headway along with research and development is continuing for decenniums in order to directly target KRAS activity in cancer progression. With the up-to-date pharma industry conquered by the innovative therapies; small molecule modality exemplifies a fundamental component of the next-generation of targeted therapies. The contemporary acquiescence of Amgen’s Lumakras (sotorasib), an oral, first-in-class KRAS G12C therapy, in May 2021 has created a competitive wave in the global market for the management of non-small cell lung cancer. As a result, the global market for KRAS inhibitors is expanding at a trailblazing gait.        

The green flag to Amgen’s Lumakras generated curiosity amid pharma coupled with biotech companies in order to develop several novel therapies that will aid to offer management for cancer along with other diseases. Following that, another KRAS inhibitor, Krazati (adagrasib) that is developed by Mirati Therapeutics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bristol Myers Squibb, in December 2022 received FDA approval for the same indication. The augmenting KRAS inhibitor approval helps to build confidence in the global domain due to which various other corporations in conjugation with healthcare professionals are engaged in KRAS inhibitor arena.   

One of the strategic prime movers that bestow to bourgeon the growth of KRAS inhibitor market is the rise in preclinical and clinical studies. Over the preceding decennium, the sphere of global KRAS inhibitor market has witnessed the development of several novel, innovative as well as advanced competitors targeting KRAS proteins. For instance, a global company in the US, BeiGene has developed cutting-edge pan KRAS inhibitor 2G, BGB-53038 for the treatment of lung as well as gastrointestinal cancer is currently in the preclinical stage and is planned for 2024. Additionally, in May 2024, BridgeBio has likewise developed a pan-KRAS inhibitor that targets both the ON and OFF states of KRAS G12X, BBO-11818, which is lately in preclinical stage and BridgeBio, supposes to file an IND in early 2025 is another illustration. 

Interalia, the presences of various stakeholders in conjugation with investors from giant pharma companies accompanied with biotech companies, such as Bristol Myers Squibb, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Amgen, Eli Lilly and Company, Hoffmann-La Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Incyte Corporation, Sanofi, Revolution Medicine, Anbogen Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Erasca, and other have bestowed to transform the treatment paradigm by developing up-to-the-minute KRAS inhibitors therapies worldwide. The presences of giant pharmaceuticals aid to conduct multitudinous clinical trials in KRAS inhibitor space.  

Coupled with this, an inclining market trend towards developing avant-garde KRAS inhibitors, such as dual KRAS inhibitors, is gaining spotlight amid healthcare professionals as initial studies have revealed that developing dual KRAS inhibitors has demonstrated positive outcomes in clinical studies. For instance, Frontier Medicine, based in the US, have developed dual KRAS G12C inhibitors that targets both states of KRAS G12C protein (active/ON as well as inactive/OFF state), thereby, resulting in the higher effectiveness and take advantage of patients from treatment.

Ultimately, the global market for KRAS inhibitors is expanding year by year. As discussed, the US is dominating the arena of KRAS market in terms of sales and development; on the other hand, the China has become frontrunner with respect to research and development in KRAS inhibitor market. At present, only two KRAS inhibitors, Lumakras and Krazati, have entered in the global commercial market. Nonetheless, it is anticipated that newfangled in addition to advanced KRAS inhibitors may be launched in the market in the approaching years. Along with predominately used small molecule inhibitor approach, the clinical pipeline for KRAS inhibitors therapies further include peptide vaccines, CRISPR, molecular glue, antisense oligonucleotides, KRAS degraders etc., representing colossal opportunism in upcoming decennium.  


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