WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited Programme for the issuance of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities

4 December 2023

WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited
Programme for the issuance of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities

Consolidations of the Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities of the following classes
WisdomTree Coffee (New ISIN: JE00BN7KB557)
WisdomTree Corn (New ISIN: JE00BN7KB441)
WisdomTree Lean Hogs (New ISIN: JE00BN7KB771)
WisdomTree Natural Gas (New ISIN: JE00BN7KB334)
WisdomTree Wheat (New ISIN: JE00BN7KB664)

(the “Affected Securities”)

Terms used in this announcement and not otherwise defined bear the same meanings as where used in the prospectus of the Issuer dated 27 October 2023 for the programme for the issuance of Classic and Longer Dated Commodity Securities.

Further to the announcement made by WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited (the “Issuer”) on 27 October 2023 (the “Initial Announcement”) relating to its determination to effect consolidations (the “Consolidations”) of the Affected Securities, the Issuer hereby further confirms that the Consolidations have now taken place.

The Consolidations applied to all registered holders of the Affected Securities on the relevant shareholder register after the close of business on Friday 1 December 2023. As notified to holders, the Consolidations resulted in a change of ISINs for the Affected Securities. Monday 4 December 2023 is the first trading day of the Affected Securities using the new ISIN on European exchanges (set out in the below table).

The applicable ratio outlined in the below table was applied to the relevant class of Affected Securities:

Class Previous ISIN
(Last Trading Date of previous ISIN:
1 December 2023)
(First Trading Date of New ISIN:
4 December 2023)

Ratio (in words)Ratio (in numbers)
WisdomTree CoffeeGB00B15KXP72JE00BN7KB557Twenty Three23
WisdomTree CornGB00B15KXS04JE00BN7KB441Twenty Two22
WisdomTree Lean HogsGB00B15KXZ70JE00BN7KB771Seventy Five75
WisdomTree Natural GasGB00B15KY104JE00BN7KB334One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Three1783
WisdomTree WheatGB00B15KY765JE00BN7KB664Forty Six46

Taking WisdomTree Natural Gas as an example, the Consolidation for this Affected Security resulted in every 1783 securities being consolidated into one security.    Trading in the consolidated securities began at the open of trading today, 4 December 2023, on European stock exchanges. Please note that there could be delays in your broker, custodian or intermediary reflecting the Consolidations in their books and records. Please discuss this with them if you have any concerns.

The Consolidations have been implemented pursuant to Supplemental Trust Deed dated 27 October 2023 made between the Trustee and the Issuer.

Further information

This announcement contains information only and does not require any action to be taken.

For further information, please refer to the Consolidations FAQ and the Initial Announcement on our website at www.wisdomtree.eu/about-wisdomtree/important-notices or contact Europesupport@wisdomtree.com or contact your broker, custodian or other intermediary.