ConnectWise Signs Secure by Design Pledge, Reinforcing Commitment to Cybersecurity

Industry leader continues to champion security-first approach, collaborates with CISA's Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ConnectWise, the leading software company dedicated to the success of managed service providers (MSPs), today announced it has signed onto the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA) Secure by Design pledge, further reinforcing its dedication to maintaining the highest cybersecurity standards. This pledge highlights ConnectWise's continued focus on providing secure, innovative solutions for MSPs in an evolving digital landscape.

“Signing the Secure by Design pledge is a natural extension of our longstanding commitment to cybersecurity,” said Patrick Beggs, Chief Information Security Officer at ConnectWise. “As an industry leader, we recognize our responsibility to not only provide innovative tools but to ensure they meet the highest security standards. This pledge reinforces our dedication to protecting our partners and their clients in an increasingly complex digital world.”

ConnectWise has been at the forefront of enhancing security measures for managed service providers (MSPs) and their clients. The company's involvement in the CISA’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) has been instrumental in shaping guidance for Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) technologies. ConnectWise's participation in the JCDC working group has been pivotal in addressing various high-level topics concerning MSPs and critical infrastructure. The company's expertise and insights have contributed significantly to developing comprehensive strategies for enhancing cybersecurity across the industry.

“Our involvement with CISA and the JCDC has been a collaborative effort to elevate security standards across the board,” said Patrick Beggs, Chief Information Security Officer at ConnectWise. “By working closely with these organizations, we've been able to contribute meaningful insights and help shape guidance that benefits the entire MSP ecosystem. By prioritizing security at every level, we can collectively build a more resilient future for MSPs and their clients.”

The Secure by Design pledge aligns with ConnectWise's ethos of making security an integral part of its software development process. This approach ensures that security considerations are embedded from the initial stages of product design through to deployment and beyond.

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About ConnectWise

ConnectWise is the world's leading software company dedicated to the success of managed service providers (MSPs) that support millions of small and midsized businesses (SMBs) globally. With over 40 years of commitment to partner success, ConnectWise provides unmatched software, services, community, and integrations to fuel profitable growth. ConnectWise introduced the world's first true MSP platform—Asio™—providing unprecedented flexibility and security with built-in artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and machine learning capabilities. It all adds up to efficient, productive end-to-end MSP solutions, including IT documentation, data management, cybersecurity, remote monitoring, and backup technologies. Discover how ConnectWise is transforming the IT industry at   

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