Orkuveitan | Publication of Base Prospectus

Reykajvík Energy (Orkuveitan) has published the attached base prospectus for bonds and bills without government guarantee, dated October 2, 2024. The prospectus has been approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland, as confirmed in the attached letter, dated October 2, 2024.
The documents will also be available on the issuer's website, www.orkuveitan.is, throughout the validity period of the prospectus and at the issuer’s office at Bæjarháls 1, Reykjavík.

Fossar Investment Bank hf. managed the approval process with the Financial Supervisory Authority.

Further information:
Snorri Hafsteinn Þorkelsson, CFO of Orkuveitan
Phone: 516 6100, Email: snorri.hafsteinn.thorkelsson@or.is

• Base Prospectus
• Confirmation Letter