Product Diversification, Innovative Strategies, and Sustainable Practices Pointing Towards Strong Growth of the Food Immunomodulators Industry Set to Reach USD 652.5 Million by 2034 | Future Market Insights, Inc.

Japan's Food Immunomodulators market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 6.8% through 2034, the integration of advanced microbiome culture systems and government-backed health initiatives is driving demand for probiotic products. Companies like Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. are developing diverse microbial strains to meet the rising interest in immune-boosting foods, supported by government efforts to improve public health and well-being.

NEWARK, Del, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global food immunomodulators industry has an estimated market valuation of USD 430.65 million by 2024. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2 % to reach a market valuation of USD 652.5 million by 2034.

The food immunomodulators market is increasing and is expected to grow steadily due to the rising incidences of chronic diseases. Conditions such as allergies and diseases like cancer, auto-immune, inflammatory, respiratory diseases in humans, and infectious diseases in animals and various others have contributed to the rise in demand for food-based immunomodulators. Especially, the surge in various variants of COVID-19 has played a major role in the continuous growth and development of the food immunomodulators industry. Companies such as Danone are taking the lead by producing a broader range of product choices for consumers using a wide extent of organic and fortified ingredient sources. Functional non-GMO foods are also making their way, to meet additional health benefits with immune enhancement. Companies such as Nestle have come up with their organic, non-GMO superfoods, thus attracting the attention of a major part of the population and boosting their sales.

Innovations in the fields of biotechnology, genetics, and pharmacology have led to innumerable concerns among a major part of consumers thus persuading them to consume food containing immunomodulators which can provide long-lasting immune-boosting effects and also reduce pathogenic infections.

Improved ranges in the products including flavors, sources, nutritional additives, colors, and packaging have led to a boost in the volume and profits of many companies. Various activities are being employed to further garner attention as well as spread knowledge among the end users.

Key Takeaways from the Global Food Immunomodulators Market Study:

  • Sourcing ingredients via regenerative farming practices, supporting farmers, engaging consumers, and tackling many environmental issues. Bledina, a subsidiary group of Danone, invites consumers to visit farms where the ingredients grow. This practice helps in promoting a sense of trust between the buyers and manufacturers.
  • Optimizing the nutritional value using organic products by leveraging the research and development facilities and targeting certain groups of consumers has surely helped the food immunomodulators industry to rise. Kerry Group, for instance, has introduced probiotics isolated from breast milk which is said to support breast health in lactating mothers and also the immune health system of the infants without compromising any other factors. This has led to the popularity of its products among female parents who are looking out for healthy alternatives.

“Manufacturers who pursue certification and accreditations as well as set up innovation hubs and centers for more R&D in the food immunomodulators industry will enjoy the higher consumer trust and reliability and will move up the market leadership.”, - says Nandini Roy Choudhury, Client Partner at Future Market Insights 

Country-wise Insights

CountriesCAGR 2024 to 2034

Who is winning?

The competitive dynamics in the Food Immunomodulators sector are fuelled by innovation, partnerships, and digitalization, with market players constantly adapting to shifting client demands. Companies are employing technology to provide value-added services with digital technologies. Such platforms enable manufacturers to manage the microbe culture processes in real time, optimize the use of feeds to achieve maximum production, and realize higher productivity. This enhances client relations and broadens the competitive market by creating unique selling points.

Some of these leaders of the Global Food Immunomodulator market are Danone SA, Nestle SA, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., ADM, Kerry Group, Cargill Inc., Ingredion Inc., Sabinsa Corporation, BioGaia, Lallemand Inc., Tate and Lyle, Glanbia Nutritionals, Amway Corporation, Bio-Thera Solutions Ltd., and Stratum Nutrition.

For instance:

  • In 2023, Lallemand Inc. introduced a range of protective technologies to ensure proper and optimal survival and efficacy of their probiotic products. For instance, their products are usually bacteria and yeast-based, probiotic supplements, which are highly stable and targeted specifically for immunity and women’s vaginal health.
  • Another company, BioGaia, started providing choices and specifications to the customers for different species and strains that were used to formulate the products as each strain offered unique benefits.

Leading Brands

  • Danone SA
  • Nestle SA
  • Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.
  • ADM
  • Kerry Group
  • Cargill Inc.
  • DuPont Nutrition and BioSciences

Discover the Full Details in Our Report:

Get valuable insights into the Global Food Immunomodulators Market:

Future Market Insights, in its new offering, provides a thorough, detailed, and unbiased analysis of the Global Food Immunomodulators Market, presenting Historical Demand data for the years 2019-2023 and Forecast statistics for the years 2024-2034.

The study categorizes valuable insights into the Global Food Immunomodulators Industry based on Product Type, Ingredient Type, End User demographic type, Application Type, Sales Channel Type, and Region Type. As per product type, the industry has been categorized into Immunostimulants (Prebiotics and Probiotics, Postbiotics, Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Peptides), Immunosuppressants, Functional foods (Fortified dairy products, Fortified cereals, Energy bars), and Others (Amino acids, Phytochemicals) and according to forms include Powders, Tablets, Capsules, and Liquids. As per ingredient type, the industry has been categorized into Plant-based sources (Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Herbs, and Spices), Animal-based sources (Fish oils, Bone broth, Egg yolks, Honey), Fermented products (Dairy-based and Non-dairy-based), Mushroom based sources, and Algae based] sources. As per end user demographics, the industry has been divided into Animals (Pets, Ruminants, Poultry, Aquatic, Equines, Bovines, and Pigs) and Human Beings [Age Groups (Children, Adults, Elderly), and Gender (Men and Women)]. Different sales channels include Store-based retail (Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Medical stores, and Specialty stores) and Online retail (Company websites, and Third party websites). As per application, this industry has been divided into Nutraceuticals (Anti-inflammatory support, Eye health support, Cardiovascular health support, Mental Health support, Respiratory health support, Gut health support, Disease prevention). The study consists of the following regions- North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Balkans & Baltic, Russia & Belarus, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia & Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.

German Translation:

Die globale Lebensmittel-Immunmodulatoren-Industrie hat bis 2024 eine geschätzte Marktbewertung von 430,65 Mio. USD. Es wird prognostiziert, dass es mit einer CAGR von 4,2 % wachsen und bis 2034 eine Marktbewertung von 652,5 Mio. USD erreichen wird.

Der Markt für Immunmodulatoren für Lebensmittel wächst und wird aufgrund des steigenden Auftretens chronischer Krankheiten voraussichtlich stetig wachsen. Erkrankungen wie Allergien und Krankheiten wie Krebs, Autoimmunerkrankungen, Entzündungen, Atemwegserkrankungen beim Menschen und Infektionskrankheiten bei Tieren und verschiedenen anderen haben zum Anstieg der Nachfrage nach Immunmodulatoren auf Lebensmittelbasis beigetragen. Insbesondere der Anstieg verschiedener Varianten von COVID-19 hat eine wichtige Rolle für das kontinuierliche Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelimmunmodulatorenindustrie gespielt. Unternehmen wie Danone übernehmen die Vorreiterrolle, indem sie eine breitere Palette von Produkten für Verbraucher anbieten, die einen breiten Anteil an biologischen und angereicherten Inhaltsstoffen verwenden. Funktionelle gentechnikfreie Lebensmittel sind ebenfalls auf dem Vormarsch, um zusätzliche gesundheitliche Vorteile durch Immunstärkung zu erzielen. Unternehmen wie Nestlé haben ihre biologischen, gentechnikfreien Superfoods entwickelt und damit die Aufmerksamkeit eines großen Teils der Bevölkerung auf sich gezogen und ihren Umsatz angekurbelt.

Innovationen in den Bereichen Biotechnologie, Genetik und Pharmakologie haben bei einem Großteil der Verbraucher zu unzähligen Bedenken geführt und sie dazu bewegt, Lebensmittel zu konsumieren, die Immunmodulatoren enthalten, die eine lang anhaltende immunstärkende Wirkung haben und auch pathogene Infektionen reduzieren können.

Verbesserte Produktsortimente, einschließlich Aromen, Quellen, ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe, Farben und Verpackungen, haben zu einem Anstieg des Volumens und der Gewinne vieler Unternehmen geführt. Es werden verschiedene Aktivitäten durchgeführt, um die Aufmerksamkeit weiter zu erregen und das Wissen unter den Endbenutzern zu verbreiten.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse aus der globalen Marktstudie zu Immunmodulatoren für Lebensmittel:

·        Beschaffung von Zutaten über regenerative Anbaumethoden, Unterstützung der Landwirte, Einbeziehung der Verbraucher und Bewältigung vieler Umweltprobleme. Bledina, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Danone, lädt Verbraucher ein, Bauernhöfe zu besuchen, auf denen die Zutaten wachsen. Diese Praxis trägt dazu bei, ein Gefühl des Vertrauens zwischen Käufern und Herstellern zu fördern.
·        Die Optimierung des Nährwerts mit Bio-Produkten durch die Nutzung der Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen und die Ausrichtung auf bestimmte Verbrauchergruppen hat sicherlich dazu beigetragen, dass die Industrie der Lebensmittelimmunmodulatoren aufgestiegen ist. Die Kerry Group zum Beispiel hat aus der Muttermilch isolierte Probiotika eingeführt, die die Brustgesundheit stillender Mütter und auch das Immunsystem der Säuglinge unterstützen sollen, ohne andere Faktoren zu beeinträchtigen. Dies hat dazu geführt, dass seine Produkte bei weiblichen Eltern, die nach gesunden Alternativen suchen, beliebt sind.

"Hersteller, die Zertifizierungen und Akkreditierungen anstreben sowie Innovationszentren und Zentren für mehr Forschung und Entwicklung in der Lebensmittelimmunmodulatorenindustrie einrichten, werden das höhere Vertrauen und die Zuverlässigkeit der Verbraucher genießen und die Marktführerschaft ausbauen", sagt Nandini Roy Choudhury, Client Partner bei Future Market Insights

Länderspezifische Einblicke

LänderCAGR 2024 bis 2034

Wer gewinnt?

Die Wettbewerbsdynamik im Bereich der Lebensmittelimmunmodulatoren wird durch Innovation, Partnerschaften und Digitalisierung angeheizt, wobei sich die Marktteilnehmer ständig an die sich ändernden Kundenanforderungen anpassen. Unternehmen setzen Technologie ein, um Mehrwertdienste mit digitalen Technologien bereitzustellen. Solche Plattformen ermöglichen es Herstellern, die Mikrobenkulturprozesse in Echtzeit zu verwalten, die Verwendung von Futtermitteln zu optimieren, um eine maximale Produktion zu erreichen und eine höhere Produktivität zu erzielen. Dies verbessert die Kundenbeziehungen und erweitert den Wettbewerbsmarkt durch die Schaffung von Alleinstellungsmerkmalen.

Einige dieser Marktführer auf dem globalen Markt für Lebensmittelimmunmodulatoren sind Danone SA, Nestle SA, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., ADM, Kerry Group, Cargill Inc., Ingredion Inc., Sabinsa Corporation, BioGaia, Lallemand Inc., Tate and Lyle, Glanbia Nutritionals, Amway Corporation, Bio-Thera Solutions Ltd. und Stratum Nutrition.

Zum Beispiel:

  • Im Jahr 2023 führte Lallemand Inc. eine Reihe von Schutztechnologien ein, um ein ordnungsgemäßes und optimales Überleben und die Wirksamkeit seiner probiotischen Produkte zu gewährleisten. Zum Beispiel handelt es sich bei ihren Produkten in der Regel um probiotische Nahrungsergänzungsmittel auf Bakterien- und Hefebasis, die sehr stabil sind und speziell auf die Immunität und die vaginale Gesundheit von Frauen abzielen.
  • Ein anderes Unternehmen, BioGaia, begann, den Kunden Auswahlmöglichkeiten und Spezifikationen für verschiedene Spezies und Stämme zur Verfügung zu stellen, die zur Formulierung der Produkte verwendet wurden, da jeder Stamm einzigartige Vorteile bot.

Führende Marken

  • Danone SA
  • Nestlé SA
  • Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.
  • ADM
  • Kerry Gruppe
  • Cargill Inc.
  • DuPont Nutrition and BioSciences

Erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke in den globalen Markt für Aquakulturnahrung:

Future Market Insights bietet in seinem neuen Angebot eine gründliche, detaillierte und unvoreingenommene Analyse des globalen Marktes für Lebensmittelimmunmodulatoren und präsentiert historische Nachfragedaten für die Jahre 2019-2023 und Prognosestatistiken für die Jahre 2024-2034.

The study categorizes valuable insights into the Global Food Immunomodulators Industry based on Product Type, Ingredient Type, End User demographic type, Application Type, Sales Channel Type, and Region Type. As per product type, the industry has been categorized into Immunostimulants (Prebiotics and Probiotics, Postbiotics, Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Peptides), Immunosuppressants, Functional foods (Fortified dairy products, Fortified cereals, Energy bars), and Others (Amino acids, Phytochemicals) and according to forms include Powders, Tablets, Capsules, and Liquids. As per ingredient type, the industry has been categorized into Plant-based sources (Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Herbs, and Spices), Animal-based sources (Fish oils, Bone broth, Egg yolks, Honey), Fermented products (Dairy-based and Non-dairy-based), Mushroom based sources, and Algae based] sources. As per end user demographics, the industry has been divided into Animals (Pets, Ruminants, Poultry, Aquatic, Equines, Bovines, and Pigs) and Human Beings [Age Groups (Children, Adults, Elderly), and Gender (Men and Women)]. Different sales channels include Store-based retail (Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Medical stores, and Specialty stores) and Online retail (Company websites, and Third party websites). As per application, this industry has been divided into Nutraceuticals (Anti-inflammatory support, Eye health support, Cardiovascular health support, Mental Health support, Respiratory health support, Gut health support, Disease prevention). The study consists of the following regions- North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Balkans & Baltic, Russia & Belarus, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia & Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.

Authored by: 

Nandini Roy Choudhury (Client Partner for Food & Beverages at Future Market Insights, Inc.) has 7+ years of management consulting experience. She advises industry leaders and explores off-the-eye opportunities and challenges. She puts processes and operating models in place to support their business objectives.   

She has exceptional analytical skills and often brings thought leadership to the table.  

Nandini has vast functional expertise in key niches, including but not limited to food ingredients, nutrition & health solutions, animal nutrition, and marine nutrients. She is also well-versed in the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, retail, and chemical sectors, where she advises market participants to develop methodologies and strategies that deliver results. 

Her core expertise lies in corporate growth strategy, sales and marketing effectiveness, acquisitions and post-merger integration and cost reduction. Nandini has an MBA in Finance from MIT School of Business. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Nagpur University, India.  

Nandini has authored several publications, and quoted in journals including Beverage Industry, Bloomberg, and Wine Industry Advisor.

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Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, recipient of the Stevie Award, and a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) offers profound insights into the driving factors that are boosting demand in the market. FMI stands as the leading global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, consulting, and events for the Packaging, Food and Beverage, Consumer Technology, Healthcare, Industrial, and Chemicals markets. With a vast team of over 400 analysts worldwide, FMI provides global, regional, and local expertise on diverse domains and industry trends across more than 110 countries. 

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