Axfood Närlivs and EMAB extend cooperation
December 02, 2014 04:47 ET | Axfood AB
Axfood Närlivs and EMAB have signed a declaration of intent to extend their existing cooperation until 31 December 2017. The new cooperation agreement is expected to take effect on 1 January...
Anders Agerberg lämnar sin tjänst som vd för Dagab
November 17, 2014 07:03 ET | Axfood AB
Efter nästan 40 år som ansvarig i olika roller inom logistiken på Dagab och de senaste fem åren som vd och chef lämnar Anders Agerberg nu sin tjänst. Hans efterträdare blir Anders Endertorp som...
Anders Agerberg leaves his position as President at Dagab
November 17, 2014 07:03 ET | Axfood AB
After almost 40 years in different roles with responsibility for logistics at Dagab and the last five as president and director, Anders Agerberg is now stepping down. His successor is Anders Endertorp...
Axfood to take over beverage distribution
November 13, 2014 02:32 ET | Axfood AB
Axfood Sverige has decided to take over the distribution of beverages such as soft drinks, water and beer. This is currently handled by the breweries. The change will result in more efficient use of...
Axfood minskar utsläpp från distribution av drycker
November 13, 2014 02:32 ET | Axfood AB
Axfood Sverige har beslutat att ta över distributionen av drycker som läsk, vatten och öl. Idag sköts detta av bryggerierna. Förändringen ger effektivare användning av lastbilarna och därmed mindre...
October 22, 2014 01:32 ET | Axfood AB
I enlighet med de riktlinjer som beslutades på Axfoods årsstämma år 2014 har, baserad på ägarstatistik från Euroclear Sweden AB per den 30 augusti 2014, ägaren med flest antal aktier, efter samråd med...
Nominating Committee
October 22, 2014 01:32 ET | Axfood AB
In accordance with the guidelines adopted by Axfood’s 2014 Annual General Meeting, based on ownership statistics from Euroclear Sweden AB as per 30 August 2014, the shareholder with the largest number...
Interim Report Axfood AB 1 Jan.- 30 Sept. 2014
October 22, 2014 01:30 ET | Axfood AB
Third quarter summary - Axfood’s consolidated sales for the period July–September totalled SEK 9,756 m (9,465), an increase of 3.1%. - Retail sales for Group-owned stores increased by 2.3% during...
Delårsrapport Axfood AB 1 jan–30 sep 2014
October 22, 2014 01:30 ET | Axfood AB
Sammanfattning av tredje kvartalet - Axfoods konsoliderade omsättning uppgick under perioden juli-september till 9 756 Mkr (9 465), en ökning med 3,1 procent. - Omsättningen i egenägd detaljhandel...
Axfood and Statoil sign Declaration of Intent on expansion of existing cooperation
October 21, 2014 07:30 ET | Axfood AB
Axfood Sverige AB and Statoil Fuel & Retail Sverige AB (Statoil Fuel & Retail), an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., have signed a Declaration of Intent to expand...