Kokkuvõte Coop Panga
Kokkuvõte Coop Panga 2024. aasta III kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemusi tutvustavast veebiseminarist
October 18, 2024 08:45 ET | Coop Pank AS
Reedel, 18. oktoobril 2024 kell 9.00 toimus Coop Pank AS veebiseminar, kus panga juhatuse esimees Margus Rink ja finantsjuht Paavo Truu tutvustasid panga 2024. aasta III kvartali auditeerimata...
Coop Pank held an in
Coop Pank held an investor webinar to introduce unaudited results of Q3 2024
October 18, 2024 08:45 ET | Coop Pank AS
On Friday, 18 October  2024 at 9 am (EET), Coop Pank held an investor webinar, where the Chairman of the Board Margus Rink and the Chief Financial Officer Paavo Truu introduced the bank’s unaudited...
Coop Pank 2024. aast
Coop Pank 2024. aasta III kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused
October 18, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
2024. aasta III kvartali lõpu seisuga oli Coop Pangal 202 000 klienti. Klientide arv kasvas kvartaliga 6000 kliendi võrra (+3%) ja aastaga 27 000 võrra (+15%). Aktiivselt arveldavaid kliente oli...
Coop Pank unaudited
Coop Pank unaudited financial results for Q3 2024
October 18, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
By the end of the Q3 2024, Coop Pank had 202,000 customers, increased by 6,000 customers in the quarter (+3%) and by 27,000 in the year (+15%). The bank had 90,100 active customers, increased by 600...
Coop Pank pikendab P
Coop Pank pikendab Paavo Truu volitusi Coop Pank AS-i juhatuses
October 16, 2024 09:30 ET | Coop Pank AS
  Coop Pank AS nõukogu otsustas 16. oktoobril 2024 pikendada juhatuse liikme Paavo Truu volitusi uueks 3-aastaseks ametiajaks alates eelneva ametiaja lõppemisest, s.o tähtajaga kuni 14.02.2028....
Coop Pank extends au
Coop Pank extends authorities of Paavo Truu as Member of the Management Board of Coop Pank AS
October 16, 2024 09:30 ET | Coop Pank AS
On 16 October 2024, the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS decided to extend the term of office of Paavo Truu, Member of the Management Board of Coop Pank AS, for a new 3-year term, i.e. from the end...
Coop Pank AS korrald
Coop Pank AS korraldab 2024. aasta III kvartali majandustulemuste tutvustamiseks veebiseminari
October 15, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank kutsub aktsionäre, investoreid, analüütikuid ning teisi huvilisi osalema veebiseminaril 18. oktoobril 2024 kell 9.00. Veebiseminar toimub eesti keeles. Seminaril tutvustavad 2024. aasta III...
Coop Pank AS will ho
Coop Pank AS will hold an investor webinar to introduce the results for the Q3 2024
October 15, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank invites shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders to join its investor webinar, scheduled on 18 October 2024 at 9 am (EET). The webinar will be held in Estonian. The webinar...
Coop Pank AS 2025. a
Coop Pank AS 2025. aasta finantskalender
October 09, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
AS Coop Pank kinnitas ettevõtte 2025. majandusaasta finantskalendri. 2025. aastal plaanib Coop Pank avalikustada informatsiooni ja korraldada üldkoosoleku järgnevatel aegadel: 13.02.2025      2024...
2025 Financial Calen
2025 Financial Calendar of AS Coop Pank
October 09, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
AS Coop Pank has decided the company’s Financial Calendar for the 2025 financial year. In 2025 Coop Pank plans to disclose information and organize the general meeting of shareholders...