Presentation av rapporten för första kvartalet den 29 maj
May 22, 2015 09:30 ET | Scandi Standard AB
Scandi Standard kommer att offentliggöra sin delårsrapport för första kvartalet 2015 fredagen den 29 maj 2015 klockan 07.30. Telefonkonferens klockan 10.30 VD Leif Bergvall Hansen och finansdirektör...
First quarter results presentation on 29 May
May 22, 2015 09:30 ET | Scandi Standard AB
Scandi Standard will publish its report for the first quarter 2015 at 07.30 CET on Friday, 29 May 2015. Conference call at 10.30 CET The company will host a conference call for the financial...
Scandi Standard’s Annual General Meeting 2015
May 21, 2015 16:18 ET | Scandi Standard AB
Scandi Standard’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 21 May 2015 in Stockholm. Dividend The proposed dividend of SEK 1.30 per share was approved by the AGM. The record date for the dividend was...
Scandi Standard acquires Huttulan Kukko Oy’s business in Finland
May 19, 2015 02:30 ET | Scandi Standard AB
Scandi Standard has concluded an agreement to acquire Huttulan Kukko Oy’s (Huttulan) business in Finland. The agreement is conditional upon receiving certain bank and supplier consents, which are...
April 20, 2015 03:50 ET | Scandi Standard AB
Välkommen till årsstämma 2015 i Scandi Standard AB (publ). Aktieägarna i Scandi Standard AB (publ) är välkomna att delta vid årsstämman, som äger rum torsdagen den 21 maj 2015 kl. 13.00 i...
April 20, 2015 03:50 ET | Scandi Standard AB
Welcome to the Annual General Meeting 2015 of Scandi Standard AB (publ). The shareholders of Scandi Standard AB (publ) are invited to participate in the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday,...