AS Tallink Grupp Statistics for June 2024 and Q2 2024
July 03, 2024 02:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
In June 2024 AS Tallink Grupp transported 570,803 passengers, which is a 3.7% decrease compared to June 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 8.5% to 25,383 units and the number of passenger...
AS-i Tallink Grupp 2024 juuni ja 2024 II kvartali statistika
July 03, 2024 02:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp vedas 2024. aasta juunis 570 803 reisijat, mida on eelmise aasta juuniga võrreldes 3,7% võrra vähem. Veetud kaubaveoühikute maht vähenes 8,5% võrra 25 383 ühikuni ning veetud...
AS Tallink Grupp statistics for June 2024 and Q2 2024
July 03, 2024 02:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
In June 2024 AS Tallink Grupp transported 570,803 passengers, which is a 3.7% decrease compared to June 2023. The number of cargo units decreased by 8.5% to 25,383 units and the number of passenger...
Teavitus vabatahtlik
Teavitus vabatahtlikust ülevõtmispakkumisest seoses AS TALLINK GRUPP aktsiatega
July 02, 2024 02:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS-i Tallink Grupp aktsionär AKTSIASELTS INFORTAR (registrikood: 10139414, edaspidi „Ülevõtja“) teavitas täna, 2. juulil 2024 vabatahtlikust ülevõtmispakkumisest kõigi veel Ülevõtjale mitte kuuluvate...
Notification of volu
Notification of voluntary takeover offer regarding the shares of AS Tallink Grupp
July 02, 2024 02:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
Today, on 2 July 2024, a shareholder of AS Tallink Grupp, AKTSIASELTS INFORTAR (registry code: 10139414, “Offeror”), has notified of making a voluntary takeover offer to acquire all shares of AS...
Notification of volu
Notification of voluntary takeover offer regarding the shares of AS Tallink Grupp
July 02, 2024 02:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
Today, on 2 July 2024, a shareholder of AS Tallink Grupp, AKTSIASELTS INFORTAR (registry code: 10139414, “Offeror”), has notified of making a voluntary takeover offer to acquire all shares of AS...
Intention to Make a Voluntary Takeover Offer to Acquire the Shares of AS Tallink Grupp
June 17, 2024 02:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
Today, on 17 June 2024, a shareholder of AS Tallink Grupp, AS INFORTAR (registry code: 10139414, “Offeror”), has notified of its intention to make a voluntary takeover offer to acquire all shares of...
Kavatsus teha vabatahtlik ülevõtmispakkumine AS Tallink Grupp aktsiate omandamiseks
June 17, 2024 02:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS-i Tallink Grupp aktsionär AKTSIASELTS INFORTAR (registrikood: 10139414, edaspidi „Ülevõtja“) teavitas täna, 17. juunil 2024 kavatsusest teha vabatahtlik ülevõtmispakkumine kõigi veel Ülevõtjale...
Intention to Make a Voluntary Takeover Offer to Acquire the Shares of AS Tallink Grupp
June 17, 2024 02:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
Today, on 17 June 2024, a shareholder of AS Tallink Grupp, AS INFORTAR (registry code: 10139414, “Offeror”), has notified of its intention to make a voluntary takeover offer to acquire all shares of...
AS-i Tallink Grupp dividendi väljamakse ex-päev
June 12, 2024 02:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp fikseerib dividendiõigust omavate aktsionäride nimekirja 20. juunil 2024 arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga. Ülaltoodust lähtudes on väärtpaberitega seotud õiguste muutumise...