Ontario Federation o
Ontario Federation of Labour President Patty Coates speaking up for Ontario workers at premiers’ meeting
July 11, 2023 11:32 ET | Ontario Federation of Labour
WINNIPEG, Manitoba, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Workers and families are looking to Canada’s premiers to work with the labour movement for concrete action to fix health care, make life more...
(Prince Edward Island) Canada’s Labour Leaders Urge Premiers to Collaborate on a National Universal Pharmacare Plan
July 19, 2018 03:01 ET | Prince Edward Island Federation of Labour
SAINT ANDREWS, New Brunswick, July 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the Council of the Federation meeting in Saint Andrews, N.B., labour leaders from across the country united to deliver a...
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Canada’s Labour Leaders Urge Premiers to Collaborate on a National Universal Pharmacare Plan
July 19, 2018 03:01 ET | Ontario Federation of Labour
SAINT ANDREWS, New Brunswick, July 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the Council of the Federation meeting in Saint Andrews, N.B., labour leaders from across the country united to deliver a...
Premiers Gather with
Premiers Gather with Nurses Unions & Mental Health Commission for Health Briefing
July 18, 2017 10:00 ET | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
EDMONTON, Alberta, July 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) co-hosted this morning a premiers’ breakfast briefing on mental health care with the Mental...
Les premiers ministr
Les premiers ministres se rassemblent pour une séance d’information sur la santé, organisée par les syndicats infirmiers et la Commission pour la santé mentale EDMONTON, Alberta, July 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ce matin, la Fédération canadienne des syndicats d’infirmières et d’infirmiers (FCSII), de concert avec la Commission de la santé mentale du...
AVIS AUX MÉDIAS : Le personnel infirmier du Canada tiendra, le 18 juillet 2017 à Edmonton, une séance d’information, à l’intention des premiers ministres, sur la maximisation du financement fédéral attribué à la santé mentale EDMONTON, Alberta, July 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- La Fédération canadienne des syndicats d’infirmières et d’infirmiers (FCSII) est co-organisatrice d’un déjeuner-conférence à l’intention des...
MEDIA ADVISORY: Canada’s nurses to hold Premiers’ briefing on Maximizing Federal Mental Health Funding on July 18, 2017, in Edmonton
July 17, 2017 10:00 ET | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
EDMONTON, Alberta, July 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) will co-host a breakfast meeting for Canada’s premiers on Tuesday July 18, 2017, from 7:00 am to...