November 23, 2001 10:48 ET | Frontline plc.
Frontline Ltd. signed an agreement today, which includes the sale of three of the Company's VLCCs to German K/G's promoted by Dr. Peters GmbH. The vessels Front Chief, Front Commander and Front Crown...
Pre-announcement Ahold Q3 2001 results
November 23, 2001 10:30 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Dear Editor, Ahold will publish its Third Quarter Results 2001 on Tuesday morning November 27, 2001 at 8.00 a.m. C.E.T. At 4.00 p.m. on the same day, a conference call will be held with analysts,...
Ahold: Logistics of Retail Promotions Improved Through New Inventory Control Processes
November 23, 2001 10:12 ET | Ahold NV
ZAANDAM, The Netherlands, Nov. 23, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Ahold (NYSE:AHO): Promotions in retail pose great challenges to the logistical systems that prevent stores from running out of stock and...
Vooraankondiging Ahold 3e kwartaal cijfers
November 23, 2001 10:07 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Geachte redactie, Op dinsdagochtend 27 november 2001 om 08.00 uur publiceert Ahold de resultaten over het derde kwartaal 2001. Diezelfde dag is er om 16.00 uur een conference call voor analisten, die...
"Logistics of retail promotions improved through new inventory control processes"
November 23, 2001 09:39 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Zaandam, The Netherlands, November 23, 2001 - Promotions in retail pose great challenges to the logistical systems that prevent stores from running out of stock and minimize stock levels in warehouses...
"Verbeterd voorraadbeheer vergroot winst tijdens actieweken in retail"
November 23, 2001 09:36 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Zaandam, 23 november 2001 - Het voorraadbeheer van winkels en distributiecentra in retail kan worden verbeterd om lege schappen tijdens èn te grote restvoorraden na afloop van promoties te voorkomen....
Telenor: The Move to Fornebu
November 23, 2001 05:01 ET | Telenor
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 23, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Monday, November 26, Telenor (Nasdaq:TELN) began the first phase of its move to its new headquarters at Fornebu. By the end of 2002, more than 7,500...
The move to Fornebu
The move to Fornebu
November 23, 2001 04:45 ET | Telenor
The new headquarters at Fornebu are part of Telenor's goal of creating the most advanced work environment possible for one of the most progressive companies in the Nordic region. Initially, 1,600...
Innflyttingen i gang
Innflyttingen i gang for Telenor på Fornebu
November 23, 2001 04:41 ET | Telenor
Målsettingen med Telenors nye hovedkvarter på Fornebu er å utvikle Nordens fremste arbeidsplass for nyskapende virksomhet. I første omgang flytter til sammen 1.600 ansatte i Telenor Business...
Estimated annual result TV2
November 23, 2001 04:31 ET | Schibsted
According to TV2 the expected result before taxes for the TV2 channel for 2001 is NOK 164 million. The TV2 Group expects a result before tax of NOK 27 million for 2001. Schibsteds share of the TV2...