Korjaus tiedotteeseen: Kaupankäynti DAX warranteilla ja sertifikaateilla 30.12.2012
December 30, 2013 08:23 ET | Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj
DAX-indeksin noteeraus päättyy tänään klo 15:00, jolloin myös warranttien ja sertifikaattien, joiden kohde-etuutena on Dax indeksi, markkinatakaus päättyy tämän päivän osalta. Markkinatakausta...
IT – Genium INET Test – Disturbance External Test System 1 solved
December 30, 2013 08:22 ET | Fixed Income
The disturbance on External Test System 1 has been solved and the system is now available again. The GCF feed connected to External Test System 1 will be available in approximately 10...
IT – Genium INET Tes
IT – Genium INET Test – Disturbance External Test System 1 solved
December 30, 2013 08:21 ET | Derivatives
The disturbance on External Test System 1 has been solved and the system is now available again. The GCF feed connected to External Test System 1 will be available in approximately 10...
IT – Genium INET Tes
IT – Genium INET Test – Disturbance External Test System 1 solved
December 30, 2013 08:20 ET | Nasdaq Commodities
The disturbance on External Test System 1 has been solved and the system is now available again. The GCF feed connected to External Test System 1 will be available in...
December 30, 2013 08:15 ET | Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
EXCHANGE NOTICE, 30 DECEMBER 2013  SHARES   INNOFACTOR PLC: INVALIDATION OF SHARES Innofactor Plc has invalidated 3 539 189 treasury shares. The decrease in the number of shares has...
Flaggningsmeddelande i AB Sagax
December 30, 2013 08:09 ET | Finansinspektionen
Anmälan om förvärv av eller överlåtelse av aktier eller depåbevis Emittent 556520-0028 AB Sagax Instrument Shares Innehavare Rutger Arnhult   Före...
Oculus Innovative Sciences Receives Notification of Compliance With the Stockholders' Requirement of the NASDAQ Listing Rules
December 30, 2013 08:08 ET | Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
PETALUMA, Calif., Dec. 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oculus Innovative Sciences (Nasdaq:OCLS) today announced it received a determination letter from the listing qualifications department of the NASDAQ...
FLSmidth receives large cement order in Indonesia
December 30, 2013 08:07 ET | FLSmidth A/S
Company Announcement to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority No. 38-2013, 30 December 2013. FLSmidth has received an order worth approximately EUR 40m (DKK 300m) from Indonesian cement...
FLSmidth opnår stor
FLSmidth opnår stor cementordre i Indonesien
December 30, 2013 08:07 ET | FLSmidth & Co. A/S
Selskabsmeddelelse til Finanstilsynet nr. 38-2013, 30. december 2013. FLSmidth har modtaget en ordre til en værdi af DKK 300 mio. fra den indonesiske cementproducent PT Semen Padang på en...