DGAP-News: SYSTAIC enjoys a successful first half of 2009
July 17, 2009 02:27 ET | EQS Group AG
systaic AG / Forecast/Half Year Results 17.07.2009 Release of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this...
Grigeo Group_RGB.png
Notification on JSC Grigiskes manager's related party transactions
July 17, 2009 02:24 ET | Grigeo Group AB
JSC Grigiskes has received notifications from Ginvildos investicija, UAB, closely related to the Chairman of Supervisory Council Norimantas Stankevičius, Chairman of the Board and General director...
den 17. juli 2009: 6
den 17. juli 2009: 64,04
July 17, 2009 02:16 ET | Access Stratego A/S
Indre værdi den 17. juli 2009: 64,04 ...
er den 17. juli 2009 opgjort til 75,14 kr.
July 17, 2009 02:13 ET | Alm. Brand Formue A/S
Indre værdi for Alm. Brand Formue A/S. ...
Delårsrapport 1 januari-30 juni 2009
July 17, 2009 02:05 ET | Värmekyl Grossisten Scandinavia AB
Delårsrapport 1 januari-30 juni 2009 Lågkonjunktur och försämrat utfall - dock på rätt väg Kvartal 2 (1 april - 30 juni 2009) - Koncernens nettoomsättning under perioden uppgick till 51,2 (54,9)...
SeaBird - Second quarter 2009 result presentation and webcast
July 17, 2009 02:00 ET | SeaBird Exploration Plc
17July, 2009.  Cyprus SeaBird Exploration Limited ('SeaBird" or "SBX") will present their financial results for the second quarter of 2009 on Thursday 23 July, 2009.  There...
Citycon Oyj:n osavuo
Citycon Oyj:n osavuosikatsaus 1.1.-30.6.2009
July 17, 2009 02:00 ET | Citycon Oyj
CITYCON OYJ Pörssitiedote 17.7.2009 klo 9:00 Vakaa operatiivinen tulos ja alemmat rahoituskulut Yhteenveto vuoden 2009 toisesta vuosineljänneksestä verrattuna edelliseen vuosineljännekseen -...
Rautaruukki Corporation's Interim Report for January-June 2009: Clearly negative result in exceptionally poor market conditions, positive cash flow from operating activities
July 17, 2009 02:00 ET | Rautaruukki
Rautaruukki Corporation Interim report 17 July 2009 at 9am Summary of first-half results for 2009 (reference period January-June 2008) - Consolidated net sales decreased to EUR 944 million (2,008) -...
Rautaruukki Oyj:n osavuosikatsaus tammi-kesäkuu 2009: Poikkeuksellisen heikossa markkinatilanteessa selvästi tappiollinen tulos, liiketoiminnan rahavirta positiivinen
July 17, 2009 02:00 ET | Rautaruukki
Rautaruukki Oyj Osavuosikatsaus 17.7.2009 klo 9.00 Yhteenveto 1-6/2009 tuloksesta (1-6/2008 vertailuluku) - Konsernin liikevaihto laski 944 milj. euroon (2 008 milj. euroa) - Konsernin raportoitu...
Citycon Oyj's Interi
Citycon Oyj's Interim Report for 1 January - 30 June 2009
July 17, 2009 02:00 ET | Citycon Oyj
CITYCON OYJ Stock Exchange Release 17 July 2009 at 9:00 a.m. Solid operational performance and lower financing costs Summary of the Second Quarter of 2009 Compared with the Previous Quarter -...