Indre værdi er dags dato 101,9 kr. pr. aktie
March 19, 2007 04:20 ET | Ennogie Solar Group A/S
Dato 19. marts 2007 Udsteder SmallCap Danmark A/S Kontaktpersoner Jens Erik Høst og Steffen Schouw Indre værdi Den indre...
er pr. 19. marts 2007 beregnet til kr. 116,34
March 19, 2007 04:14 ET | Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S
Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S, indre værdi er pr. 19. marts 2007 beregnet til kr. 116,34 ...
(§29) på vegne af Rø
(§29) på vegne af Røsler Holding ApS
March 19, 2007 04:07 ET | Brøndbyernes IF Fodbold A/S
Storaktionærmeddelelse (§29) på vegne af Røsler Holding ApS ...
Panevėžio statybos trestas forecasts the profit of 15.6 mln. litas for 2007
March 19, 2007 04:05 ET | Panevezio Statybos Trestas
One of the largest construction companies in Lithuania Panevėžio statybos trestas (PST) confirmed the forecast for 2007. It is planned that this year the consolidated turnover of the company will...
Kaupthing Bank - Issuance of stock options
March 19, 2007 04:04 ET | Kaupþing banki hf.
Kaupthing Bank hf. has, in accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting on 16 March 2007, granted Sigurdur Einarsson, Executive Chairman and Hreidar Már Sigurdsson, CEO, an option to...
Kaupthing Bank - Results of Annual General Meeting 16 March 2007
March 19, 2007 04:00 ET | Kaupþing banki hf.
The proposals submitted at Annual General Meeting of Kaupthing Bank on Friday 16 March 2007 were approved. 1. The following proposal on dividends was approved: The Board of Directors of the Bank...
Super-Willys först ut i Birsta
March 19, 2007 04:00 ET | Axfood AB
Super-Willys först ut i Birsta I morgon den 20 mars kl 08:00 öppnar nya Super-Willys i Birsta strax norr om Sundsvall. Butiken som är helt nybyggd är den första dagligvarubutiken av större modell som...
Regarding Resignation of AB Mažeikių Nafta Board Member
March 19, 2007 04:00 ET | Mazeikiu Nafta AB
On March 16, 2007 Mr. Jan Maciejewicz submitted a 14-day prior notification of resignation from the position of a Member of the AB Mazeikiu Nafta Board, persuant to the procedure established by the... A/S erh A/S erhverver Atteno A/S - Tilfredsstillende økonomisk og juridisk due diligence gennemført
March 19, 2007 04:00 ET | NetBooster Holding A/S
Idet der henvises til First North meddelelse nr. 51 af d. 1. februar 2007 meddeles det, at Selskabet har gennemført tilfredsstillende økonomisk, teknisk og juridisk due diligence af Atteno A/S....
Flaggningsmeddelande: Jeeves Information Systems AB (070316)
March 19, 2007 03:58 ET | Nasdaq Nordic
För mera information se bifogad fil. ...