Diös förvärvar anrik skolfastighet i Falun
March 16, 2007 06:02 ET | Diös Fastigheter AB
Diös förvärvar anrik skolfastighet i Falun PRESSMEDDELANDE Östersund den 16 mars 2007 Diös Fastigheter AB (publ) förvärvar fastigheten Gullvivan 18 i Falun. Fastigheten är en anrik skolbyggnad...
Derivatives: Possibl
Derivatives: Possible adjustment due to a dividend in Surgutneftegaz (1/07)
March 16, 2007 06:02 ET | Derivatives
The following Notice is based on information from the Bank of New York as the Issuer of Surgutneftegaz DRs. Bank of New York has announced that the day of record for a proposed dividend is today, 16...
MP Fjárfestingarbank
MP Fjárfestingarbanki - Ársuppgjör 2006
March 16, 2007 06:01 ET | Kvika banki hf.
Leiðrétting: Vaxtatekjur námu 2.401 millj. kr. og hækkuðu um 254% frá árinu áður. Hreinar vaxtatekjur voru jákvæðar um 65 millj. kr. (var 65 þús. Kr.) og undir Breyting í lykiltölum voru allar...
March 16, 2007 06:00 ET | Nestlé S.A.
Presentation: "The Nestlé Water Management Report", London Hosted by: P. Polman, Nestlé CFO Monday, March 19 at 10.15 am UK time / 11.15 CET   You can access the webcast and related...
Lars Nilsson lämnar Axfood AB
March 16, 2007 06:00 ET | Axfood AB
Lars Nilsson lämnar Axfood AB Lars Nilsson, vice vd och finans- och ekonomidirektör på Axfood AB, lämnar sin tjänst för att tillträda som CFO på Tele2. Lars Nilsson har varit anställd som vice vd och...
Lars Nilsson to leave Axfood AB
March 16, 2007 06:00 ET | Axfood AB
Lars Nilsson to leave Axfood AB Lars Nilsson, Executive Vice President and CFO of Axfood AB, will be leaving his position to take up the post as CFO of Tele2. Lars Nilsson has served as Executive...
The Annual General M
The Annual General Meeting of Finnlines Plc
March 16, 2007 06:00 ET | Finnlines
Finnlines Plc Stock Exchange Release 16 March, 2007 The Annual General Meeting of Finnlines Plc ...
The Board of Directors of Roskilde Bank
March 16, 2007 05:58 ET | Selskabet af 1. september 2008
The Board of Directors of Roskilde Bank has elected the following officers at the board meeting today: Chairman: Mr Peter Müller Deputy chairman: Mr Niels Krüger, BLL Furthermore, Ms Linda...
Bergman & Beving förvärvar resterande 50% av aktierna i dotterbolaget EKOS
March 16, 2007 05:53 ET | Bergman & Beving AB
Bergman & Beving Integration Holding AB (BBIH) har idag förvärvat resterande 50% av aktierna i dotterbolaget EKOS AB, vilket härigenom blir ett helägt dotterbolag till BBIH. Industriåterförsäljaren...
March 16, 2007 05:52 ET | Nestlé S.A.
Presentation: "The Nestlé Water Management Report", London Hosted by: P. Polman, Nestlé CFO Monday, March 19 at 10.15 am UK time / 11.15 CET   You can access the webcast and related...