Alm. Brand Group.png
Alm. Brand Bank A/S raises DKK 200,000,000 subordinated loan
June 29, 2007 04:07 ET | Alm. Brand A/S
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | ALM. BRAND BANK | | ...
Derivat: Handelsstop
Derivat: Handelsstopp i Alfa Laval warranter utgivna av Swedbank AB (59/07)
June 29, 2007 04:06 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
Handeln i 5 st warranter utgivna av Swedbank AB med Alfa Laval AB som underliggande instrument har handelsstoppats idag, den 29 juni 2007, på grund av felaktig information i de slutliga villkoren från...
UPM Chapelle Darblay
UPM Chapelle Darblay inaugurates today a new biofuel power plant
June 29, 2007 04:00 ET | UPM-Kymmene Oyj
(UPM, Grand-Couronne, June 29, 2007 at 10.00) - UPM inaugurates today a new biofuel power plant at its Chapelle Darblay mill in France. The investment of EUR 80 million has included a new boiler...
Linstow acquired 50%
Linstow acquired 50% of a Arco Vara development project in Latvia
June 29, 2007 03:55 ET | Arco Vara
According to an agreement signed on 29.06.07 Arco Vara AS's subsidiary Arco Investeeringute AS and Arco Vara's head of Latvian operations Mr. Viktors Savins continue the Bišumuižas II development...
Amendment to "Final
Amendment to "Final terms for the prospectus in series 49D"
June 29, 2007 03:41 ET | Nykredit Realkredit A/S
Amendment to "Final terms for the prospectus for the offering of mortgage bonds in Nykredit Realkredit A/S in series 49D" ...
Amendment to "Final
Amendment to "Final terms for the prospectus in series 90D"
June 29, 2007 03:41 ET | Nykredit Realkredit A/S
Amendment to "Final terms for the prospectus for the offering of mortgage bonds in Nykredit Realkredit A/S in series 90D (DKK-denominated noncallable bullet bonds)" ...
er dags dato opgjort til kr. 108,6 pr. aktie.
June 29, 2007 03:40 ET | Formuepleje Optimum A/S
Indre værdi er dags dato opgjort til kr. 108,6 pr. aktie. Med venlig hilsen Formuepleje Optimum A/S Bruuns Galleri Værkmestergade 25 DK-8000 Århus C Telefon +45 8746 4900 Telefax +45...
PartnerTech växer med Gyros
June 29, 2007 03:40 ET | PartnerTech AB
PartnerTech växer med Gyros Forsknings- och utvecklingsbolaget Gyros AB, som är ett av de ledande företagen inom miniatyrisering och integrering av laborativa analyser, växer kraftigt och har därför...
PartnerTech grows along with Gyros
June 29, 2007 03:40 ET | PartnerTech AB
PartnerTech grows along with Gyros Gyros AB, a world leader in the miniaturization and integration of laboratory applications, is growing rapidly. As a result, it has entered into a...
er dags dato opgjort til kr. 154,0 pr. aktie.
June 29, 2007 03:39 ET | Formuepleje LimiTTellus A/S
Indre værdi er dags dato opgjort til kr. 154,0 pr. aktie. Med venlig hilsen Formuepleje LimiTTellus A/S Bruuns Galleri Værkmestergade 25 DK-8000 Århus C Telefon +45 8746 4900 Telefax +45...