I love this place! The only complaint I have is I spend too much money here because there are so many great deals!!
- Shanda B
We Love to Browse and Get Great Deals
My wife and I go to Ollie's all over Arkansas and North Louisiana. We love to browse and get great deals👍
- David S
Nice Clean Enviorment
Nice clean environment. Everything on the isle is organized very neatly. The variation of items and large store setup holds pet items, home goods, bedding, clothes, mattresses, kitchen, electonics and other various kitchen supplies, the book section was amazing! Lots of books.
- Crystal D
It's a Fun Little Store
It's a fun little store with lots to look at and the prices are really good.
- Sarah H
So glad my doughter took me there
It's a fun store to visit. Lots of good things for cheap prices. So glad my daughter took me there. The people that work there are super nice.
- Robin P
Who Is Ollie's?
We are America's largest retailer of closeout merchandise & excess inventory, offering brand name bargains at discount store prices!
Thrill of the Find
For over 40 years, we've been spreading the thrill of bargain hunting to customers across the country! You never know what you'll find, but you know it'll be Good Stuff Cheap®!
Everyday Savings
At Ollie's, we sell real brands at real bargain prices up to 70% off the fancy stores! Find the brands you love at a fraction of what you'd pay anywhere else...Every day!
Ollie's Cares
Each year, Ollie's raises more than $2 million for charitable organizations that better the lives of children & families in the communities we serve. Learn more about our mission here!