Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2019. majandusaastaks audiitori nimetamine ja audiitori tasu määramine
September 17, 2019 08:46 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS annab teada, et ettevõtte üldkoosolek kavatseb kinnitada äriühingu 2019. majandusaasta audiitoriks juba viimasel kolmel aastal ettevõtet auditeerinud audiitorettevõtte Aktsiaselts...
Appointment of Admir
Appointment of Admiral Markets’ auditor for financial year 2019 and determining the auditor’s remuneration
September 17, 2019 08:46 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS is announcing that the General Meeting of shareholders of Admiral Markets AS is planning to appoint the auditing company Aktsiaselts PricewaterhouseCoopers (registration code:...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2019. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
August 30, 2019 07:59 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS teenis 2019. aasta I poolaastal 0,9 miljonit eurot kasumit 2019. aasta esimene poolaasta möödus Admiral Markets Group AS ja selle tütarettevõtte Admiral Markets AS jaoks...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2019 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results
August 30, 2019 07:59 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS earned a profit of 0.9 million euros in the first half of 2019 During the first half of 2019, Admiral Markets Group AS and its subsidiary Admiral Markets AS continued its...
Muudatused Admiral M
Muudatused Admiral Markets AS juhatuse ja nõukogu koosseisus
August 16, 2019 09:05 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS-i nõukogu kavatseb nimetada Dmitri Lauš´i ühingu juhatuse liikmeks alates 26.08.2019. Tema volitused kestavad kuni 26.08.2022. Seoses Dmitri Lauš’i määramisega Admiral Markets AS...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS
August 16, 2019 09:05 ET | Admiral Markets
The Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS intends to appoint Dmitri Lauš as a new Management Board Member from 26.08.2019. His powers as the Management Board Member will be effective until...
Admiral Markets AS a
Admiral Markets AS auditeeritud aastaaruanne 2018
March 26, 2019 13:01 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS saavutas 2018. aastal käibe- ja kasumirekordi Admiral Markets AS teenis 2018. aastal rekordilise käibe ning kasumi. Ettevõtte kauplemistegevuse netotulu kasvas 2018. aastal...
Admiral Markets AS A
Admiral Markets AS Audited Annual Report 2018
March 26, 2019 13:01 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS made a record-breaking revenue and profits in 2018 Admiral Markets AS earned record revenue and profits in 2018. Net trading income of the company increased to 24.2...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2018. aasta 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
February 28, 2019 09:43 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS saavutas 2018. aastal käibe- ja kasumirekordi Admiral Markets AS teenis 2018. aastal rekordilise käibe ning kasumi. Ettevõtte kauplemistegevuse netotulu kasvas 2018. aastal 24,2...
Admiral Markets AS U
Admiral Markets AS Unaudited 12 Months Financial Results
February 28, 2019 09:43 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS made record-breaking revenue and profits in 2018 Admiral Markets AS earned record revenue and profits in 2018. Net trading income of the company increased to 24.2 million euros...