Changes in Ixonos' M
Changes in Ixonos' Management Team
June 30, 2010 08:00 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Plc Stock Exchange Release 30 June 2010 at 15:00 CHANGES IN IXONOS' MANAGEMENT TEAM Taina Makkonen, M. Sc. (Econ), is nominated as Vice President and the head of Human...
Muutoksia Ixonosin j
Muutoksia Ixonosin johtoryhmässä
June 30, 2010 08:00 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Oyj Pörssitiedote 30.6.2010 klo 15:00 MUUTOKSIA IXONOSIN JOHTORYHMÄSSÄ Ixonos-konsernin Human Resources -yksikön johtajaksi, nimikkeellä Vice President, sekä johtoryhmän...
Ixonosin merkintäoik
Ixonosin merkintäoikeusannin lopullinen tulos
June 30, 2010 07:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Oyj Pörssitiedote 30.6.2010 klo 14:30 IXONOSIN MERKINTÄOIKEUSANNIN LOPULLINEN TULOS Ixonos Oyj:n merkintäoikeusannin lopullisen tuloksen mukaan merkintäoikeuksia käyttäen...
Final outcome of Ixo
Final outcome of Ixonos' rights offering
June 30, 2010 07:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Plc Stock Exchange Release 30 June 2010 at 14:30 FINAL OUTCOME OF IXONOS' RIGHTS OFFERING The final outcome of Ixonos Plc's rights offering shows that 5 131 808...
Preliminary results
Preliminary results of Ixonos' rights offering
June 24, 2010 02:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Plc Stock Exchange Release 24 June 2010 at 9:30 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF IXONOS' RIGHTS OFFERING The subscription period for Ixonos' rights offering of approximately EUR...
Ixonosin merkintäoik
Ixonosin merkintäoikeusannin alustava tulos
June 24, 2010 02:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Oyj Pörssitiedote 24.6.2010 klo 9:30 IXONOSIN MERKINTÄOIKEUSANNIN ALUSTAVA TULOS Ixonos Oyj:n noin 6,1 miljoonan euron osakeannin merkintäaika päättyi 23.6.2010....
Ixonosin yt-neuvotte
Ixonosin yt-neuvottelut ovat päättyneet
June 10, 2010 07:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Oyj Pörssitiedote 10.6.2010 klo 14:30 IXONOSIN YT-NEUVOTTELUT OVAT PÄÄTTYNEET Ixonos Oyj on saanut päätökseen 24.5.2010 käynnistetyt yhteistoimintaneuvottelut....
Ixonos' co-operation
Ixonos' co-operation negotiations have concluded
June 10, 2010 07:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Plc Stock Exchange Release 10 June 2010 at 14:30 IXONOS' CO-OPERATION NEGOTIATIONS HAVE CONCLUDED Ixonos Plc has completed the co-operation negotiations that begun on 24...
Correction to Ixonos
Correction to Ixonos stock exchange release on 1 June 2010: Ixonos announces the terms of its approx. EUR 6.1 million rights issue
June 02, 2010 04:30 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Plc Stock Exchange Release 2 June 2010 at 11:30 CORRECTION TO IXONOS STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE ON 1 JUNE 2010: Ixonos announces the terms of its approx. Eur 6.1 Million rights issue...
Disclosure notificat
Disclosure notification under chapter 2, section 9 of the securities markets act
June 02, 2010 03:45 ET | Digitalist Group Oyj
Ixonos Plc Stock exchange release 2 June 2010, at 10:45 DISCLOSURE NOTIFICATION UNDER CHAPTER 2, SECTION 9 OF THE SECURITIES MARKETS ACT On 1 June 2010, Ixonos Plc has received the following...