"National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) does not have the power to pursue its politically motivated attack against me" says Chairman of Fedcominvest, Alekszej Fedoricsev
July 12, 2017 05:01 ET | Fedcominvest Monaco S.A.M
12.07.2017 (UKRAINE) - The Chairman of world-leading commodities business Fedcominvest, Alekszej Fedoricsev, dismisses the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine's (NABU) recent inflammatory...
Victory for Chairman of Fedcominvest, Alekszej Fedoricsev, in his fight against politically motivated attack by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU)
May 15, 2017 03:00 ET | Fedcominvest Monaco S.A.M
(UKRAINE) 15.05.2017 - A Ukrainian court has ordered the un-freezing of the accounts of Mr Alekszej Fedoricsev, Chairman of world-leading export business Fedcominvest, which were seized following a...
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) embarrasses Ukraine at top international grain conference says Mr Alekszej Fedoricsev, Chairman of Fedcominvest
April 19, 2017 05:01 ET | Fedcominvest Monaco S.A.M
19.04.17 (UKRAINE) - Fedcominvest, a world-leading export business and the principal sponsor of AS Monaco FC, are appalled by the ongoing harassment of their staff by the controversial and discredited...
Национальное антикоррупционное бюро Украины (НАБУ) скомпрометировало Украину на ведущей международной зерновой конференции, говорит г-н Алексей Федорычев, глава Федкоминвест
April 19, 2017 05:01 ET | Fedcominvest Monaco S.A.M
19.04.17 (Украина) – компания Федкоминвест, ведущий мировой экспортный бизнес и главный спонсор ФК "Монако", потрясена продолжающимся преследованием своих сотрудников неоднозначным и...
Fedcominvest denounces Ukraine's politically motivated attack on its Chairman, Alekszej Fedoricsev
March 20, 2017 12:37 ET | Fedcominvest Monaco S.A.M
20.03.17 (UKRAINE) - Fedcominvest will strongly contest the politically motivated freezing of the Ukrainian assets of the company's Chairman, Alekszej Fedoricsev. The company is confident that the...