Kommuniké från Årsstämma i IBS AB
May 06, 2010 11:20 ET | IBS AB
Kommuniké från Årsstämma i IBS AB Vid årsstämma i IBS AB den 6 maj 2010 fattades bl.a. beslut om vad som sammanfattas i det följande. • Bolagsstämman beviljade styrelseledamöter och verkställande...
Report from Annual General Meeting in IBS AB
May 06, 2010 11:16 ET | IBS AB
Report from Annual General Meeting in IBS AB At the annual general meeting of IBS AB on May 6, 2010 the shareholders resolved on the following which is summarized below. • The annual general meeting...
IBS Launches 2nd Executive Industry Insights Event for Food Themed “The Modern Food Supply Chain - A Fresh Approach”.
April 27, 2010 02:00 ET | IBS AB
IBS Launches 2nd Executive Industry Insights Event for Food Themed “The Modern Food Supply Chain - A Fresh Approach”. International Business Systems (STO: IBS B) in Australia launches the...
IBS Annual Report for 2009
April 22, 2010 02:11 ET | IBS AB
IBS Annual Report for 2009 IBS Annual Report for 2009 in English is now available at www.ibs.net in the Investors section. The distribution of the Annual Report to shareholders and others who...
IBS Årsredovisning 2009
April 22, 2010 02:11 ET | IBS AB
IBS Årsredovisning 2009 IBS Årsredovisning för 2009 på svenska finns nu tillgänglig på www.ibs.net under sektionen “Investerare”. För de aktieägare och andra intressenter som begärt en tryckt ...
Three Caterpillar Dealers Go Live With IBS Distribution Financials.
April 14, 2010 08:30 ET | IBS AB
Three Caterpillar Dealers Go Live With IBS Distribution Financials. TRACSA, MATRA and NIMAC Make Fast, Affordable Transition from Legacy System. Atlanta, Georgia − April 14, 2010 − International...
IBS Prepares Electrical & Electronics Distributors to Take On Opportunities & Dangers Facing the Industry
April 12, 2010 06:31 ET | IBS AB
IBS Prepares Electrical & Electronics Distributors to Take On Opportunities & Dangers Facing the Industry International Business Systems (STO: IBS B) in Australia kicks off a new series of...
IBS declares strategic discussions terminated
April 07, 2010 11:35 ET | IBS AB
IBS declares strategic discussions terminated STOCKHOLM, April 7, 2010 - IBS communicated on 8 January 2010 that strategic discussions were ongoing, subsequent following initiatives from third...
Kallelse till årsstämma i IBS AB
March 31, 2010 02:30 ET | IBS AB
Kallelse till årsstämma i IBS AB Aktieägarna i IBS AB kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den 6 maj 2010 kl. 15.00 på Solna Summit Gate, Hemvärnsgatan 9 i Solna. Registrering och inpassering sker...
Notice of Annual General Meeting in IBS AB
March 31, 2010 02:30 ET | IBS AB
Notice of Annual General Meeting in IBS AB This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In case of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original,...