Major shareholder - Friheden Invest A/S
May 16, 2018 03:28 ET | IC Group A/S
Pursuant to section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act, we hereby announce that IC Group A/S has received information from Friheden Invest A/S that it has increased its shareholdings in IC...
Storaktionærmeddelelse - Friheden Invest A/S
May 16, 2018 03:28 ET | IC Group A/S
Med henvisning til §29 i Lov om værdipapirhandel m.v. oplyses det hermed, at Friheden Invest A/S har meddelt IC Group A/S, at selskabet d. 16. maj 2018 har øget sin beholdning af aktier i IC Group...
Interim report for the period 1 July 2017 to 31 March 2018
May 03, 2018 01:59 ET | IC Group A/S
  Consolidated revenue for Q1-Q3 2017/18 amounted to DKK 2,170 million (DKK 2,256 million) corresponding to a reduction of 3.8% (2.5% measured in local currency). The consolidated operating profit...
Delårsrapport for perioden 1. juli 2017 til 31. marts 2018
May 03, 2018 01:59 ET | IC Group A/S
  Nettoomsætningen for koncernen i årets første 9 måneder blev 2.170 mio. DKK (2.256 mio. DKK) svarende til en reduktion på 3,8% (2,5% i lokal valuta). Resultat af primær drift blev 256 mio. DKK...
IC Group to divest Peak Performance for DKK 1.9bn to Amer Sports Corp.
April 30, 2018 02:04 ET | IC Group A/S
  The Board of Directors of IC Group has carried out a strategic review process of the fully-owned brand Peak Performance throughout the last six months cf. Company Announcement no. 22/2017 dated 5...
IC Group sælger Peak Performance for 1,9 mia. DKK til Amer Sports Corp.
April 30, 2018 02:04 ET | IC Group A/S
  Bestyrelsen i IC Group har gennem det seneste halve år gennemført en strategisk review proces af det 100%-ejede brand Peak Performance, jf. selskabsmeddelelse nr. 22/2017 fra den 5. oktober 2017....
IC Group announces upward revision of earnings forecast for the financial year 2017/18
April 24, 2018 01:58 ET | IC Group A/S
  Based on the preliminary financial figures for the first three quarters of the financial year, the Board of Directors has decided to revise upwards the Groups earnings forecast for the financial...
IC Group opjusterer indtjeningsforventninger til regnskabsåret 2017/18
April 24, 2018 01:58 ET | IC Group A/S
  Med udgangspunkt i præliminære regnskabstal for de første 9 måneder, har bestyrelsen besluttet at opjustere selskabets finansielle forventninger til indtjeningen for regnskabsåret 2017/18, som...
IC Group A/S - Audio
IC Group A/S - Audiocast vedr. delårsrapport for 3. kvartal 2017/18
April 19, 2018 03:09 ET | IC Group A/S
  IC Group A/S vil den 3. maj 2018 kl. ca. 8:00 offentliggøre selskabets delårsrapport for perioden 1. juli 2017 - 31. marts 2018.   I denne forbindelse afholdes et informationsmøde via audiocast...
IC Group A/S - Audio
IC Group A/S - Audiocast concerning interim report for Q3 2017/18
April 19, 2018 03:09 ET | IC Group A/S
  On 3 May 2018 at approx. 8:00 a.m., IC Group A/S will publish its interim report for the period 1 July 2017 - 31 March 2018.   IC Group A/S will host an information meeting via audiocast for...