Report on transactions in the Company's shares made by officers of IC Group
November 30, 2016 05:16 ET | IC Group A/S
In accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse and Implementing Regulation 2016/523, IC Group A/S has reported the following transactions carried out by Annette Brøndholt. ...
Indberetning af ledende medarbejders transaktioner med selskabets aktier
November 24, 2016 09:01 ET | IC Group A/S
I henhold til artikel 19 i forordning nr. 596/2014 om markedsmisbrug og gennemførelsesforordning 2016/523 har IC Group A/S indberettet nedenstående transaktionsoplysninger vedrørende Kirk &...
Report on transactions in the Company's shares made by officers of IC Group
November 24, 2016 09:01 ET | IC Group A/S
In accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse and Implementing Regulation 2016/523, IC Group A/S has reported the following transactions carried out by Kirk & Thorsen...
IC Group A/S - Ændret finanskalender for regnskabsåret 2016/17
November 15, 2016 02:01 ET | IC Group A/S
Bestyrelsen for IC Group A/S har fastsat følgende møde- og offentliggørelsesdatoer for regnskabsåret 2016/17. Bemærk at datoen for forventet offentliggørelse af halvårsmeddelelse for 2. kvartal...
IC Group A/S - Amended financial calendar for the financial year 2016/17
November 15, 2016 02:01 ET | IC Group A/S
The Board of Directors of IC Group A/S has set the following dates of meetings and announcements for the financial year 2016/17. Please note that the date for expected announcement of the interim...
November 15, 2016 01:58 ET | IC Group A/S
  Consolidated revenue for Q1 2016/17 amounted to DKK 851 million (DKK 843 million) corresponding to a growth rate of 0.9% or 1.8% measured in local currency. During Q1 2016/17, the Group...
November 15, 2016 01:58 ET | IC Group A/S
  Koncernens nettoomsætning i 1. kvartal 2016/17 var 851 mio. DKK (843 mio. DKK) svarende til en vækst på 0,9%, eller 1,8% i lokal valuta. I 1. kvartal 2016/17 oplevede vi lav trafik i de fysiske...
IC Group A/S - Audio
IC Group A/S - Audiocast concerning interim report for Q1 2016/17
November 01, 2016 04:42 ET | IC Group A/S
On 15 November 2016 at approx. 8:00 a.m., IC Group A/S will publish its interim report for the period 1 July 2016 - 30 September 2016. IC Group A/S will host an information meeting via audiocast...
IC Group A/S - audio
IC Group A/S - audiocast vedr. delårsrapporten for 1. kvartal 2016/17
November 01, 2016 04:42 ET | IC Group A/S
IC Group A/S vil den 15. november 2016 kl. ca. 8:00 offentliggøre selskabets delårsrapport for perioden 1. juli 2016 - 30. september 2016. I denne forbindelse afholdes et informationsmøde via...
Performance Shares
Performance Shares
October 26, 2016 09:53 ET | IC Group A/S
Pursuant to the authorization in the Remuneration Policy as adopted on the Annual General Meeting on 28 September 2016, the Board of Directors of IC Group A/S has decided to initiate a programme...