March 31, 2008 06:24 ET | Landic Property hf.
Hagnaður Landic Property nam 2,5 milljörðum króna á árinu 2007. Heildareignir félagsins námu 452 milljörðum króna. Landic Property, eitt stærsta fasteignafélag Norðurlanda, varð til á árinu...
March 31, 2008 06:24 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property´s profit ISK 2.5 billion Total assets of ISK 452 billion Acquisitions created one of the largest property companies in the Nordic region Operational highlights for 2007: • ...
- Breytt dagsetning á birtingu uppgjörs Landic Property, birt 31. mars nk.
March 11, 2008 12:06 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. mun birta ársuppgjör félagsins fyrir árið 2007 hinn 31. mars næstkomandi en ekki 19. mars eins og upphaflega var tilkynnt. ...
- New date for publishing of Landic Property´s hf. annual results, 31 March
March 11, 2008 12:06 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. will publish its annual results for 2007 on 31 March 2008 instead of 19 March 2008 as previously announced. ...
- New date for publishing of Landsafl´s hf. annual results
March 11, 2008 11:29 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landsafl hf. will publish its annual results for 2007 on 31 March 2008 instead of 19 March 2008 as previously announced. ...
- Breytt dagsetning á birtingu uppgjörs, birt 31. mars nk
March 11, 2008 11:29 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landsafl hf. mun birta ársuppgjör félagsins fyrir árið 2007 hinn 31. mars næstkomandi en ekki 19. mars eins og upphaflega var tilkynnt. ...
Correction:- Shareholders Meeting will be held on Friday, March 14, 2008 at 11:00 - Published 2008.03.06:13:12:28 CET
March 06, 2008 08:09 ET | Landic Property hf.
Correction: Attachment was missing The Board of Directors of Landic Property hf. hereby calls for a Shareholders Meeting, which will be held at the company´s office at Kringlunni 4-12, Reykjavík...
Leiðrétting: - Hluthafafundur verður haldinn föstudaginn 14. mars nk, kl. 11:00 - Frétt birt 2008.03.06:13:12:28
March 06, 2008 08:09 ET | Landic Property hf.
Leiðrétting:Viðhengi vantaði Stjórn Landic Property hf. boðar hér með til hluthafafundar í félaginu sem haldinn verður á starfsstöð félagsins í Kringlunni 4-12 föstudaginn 14. mars 2008, kl....
verður haldinn föstudaginn 14. mars nk, kl. 11:00
March 06, 2008 07:12 ET | Landic Property hf.
Stjórn Landic Property hf. boðar hér með til hluthafafundar í félaginu sem haldinn verður á starfsstöð félagsins í Kringlunni 4-12 föstudaginn 14. mars 2008, kl. 11:00. ...
will be held on Friday, March 14, 2008 at 11:00
March 06, 2008 07:12 ET | Landic Property hf.
The Board of Directors of Landic Property hf. hereby calls for a Shareholders Meeting, which will be held at the company´s office at Kringlunni 4-12, Reykjavík on Friday, March 14, 2008 at 11:00...