Mogo Finance emitē o
Mogo Finance emitē obligācijas EUR 50 miljonu apmērā
June 25, 2018 11:07 ET | mogo
Mogo Finance un ar to saistītie grupas uzņēmumi (Grupa), kas specializējas lietotu transportlīdzekļu finansēšanā, paziņo, par veiksmīgu obligāciju emisiju (XS1831877755) ar 4 gadu termiņu. Grupas...
AS “mogo” starpperio
AS “mogo” starpperiodu saīsinātā finanšu informācija par 3 mēnešu periodu, kas noslēdzās 2018. gada 31. martā un Mogo grupas 2018. finanšu gada sagaidāmā EBITDA un neto portfeļa vērtība.
June 18, 2018 09:37 ET | mogo
Sabiedrības apgrozījums sasniedza 4,1 miljonus eiro, EBITDA – 1,8 miljonus eiro, neto peļņa 0,8 miljonus eiro. 2018. gada 31. martā līzinga un nodrošināto aizdevumu portfeļa, kredītu un izsniegto...
AS “mogo” interim co
AS “mogo” interim condensed financial information for the 3 month period ended 31 March 2018 and Mogo Group’s expected EBITDA and net portfolio for 2018.
June 18, 2018 09:37 ET | mogo
Turnover amounted to EUR 4.1 million, EBITDA reached EUR 1.8 million, net profit was EUR 0.8 million. As at 31 March 2018 net value of the lease portfolio and loans and advances to customers...
Izmaiņas AS "mogo" v
Izmaiņas AS "mogo" valdes sastāvā
June 18, 2018 06:02 ET | mogo
AS "mogo" informē, ka ar 2018. gada 15. jūniju mainās tās valdes sastāvs. Esošais valdes loceklis Aleksandrs Čerņagins ir atkāpies no valdes locekļa amata. Par AS “mogo” AS “mogo” piedāvā...
Changes in the Board
Changes in the Board of AS "mogo"
June 18, 2018 06:02 ET | mogo
AS "mogo" informs, that effective from 15 June 2018, there are changes in the Board of the Company. The current Member of the Board Aleksandrs Čerņagins has resigned from his position. About AS...
Mogo Finance rīko Ei
Mogo Finance rīko Eiropas investoru tikšanos.
May 07, 2018 02:25 ET | mogo
Mogo Finance S.A. un tās grupas uzņēmumi ("Grupa"), kas specializējušies lietotu automašīnu finansēšanā, paziņo, ka tā Eiropā rīkos tikšanos ar potenciālajiem investoriem. Eiropas investoru tikšanās...
Mogo Finance conduct
Mogo Finance conducts European investor roadshow.
May 07, 2018 02:25 ET | mogo
Mogo Finance S.A. and its group companies (the "Group"), specialized in used car financing, announces that it is conducting a series of investor meetings in Europe. The pan-European roadshow begins...
CORRECTION: AS “mogo” finanšu kalendārs 2018. gadam.
May 02, 2018 10:19 ET | mogo
LABOJUMS: Saskaņā ar grupas finansējuma piesaistes projektu, nerevidētā starpperioda saīsinātā finanšu informācija par 3 mēnešu periodu, kas noslēdzās 2018. gada 31. martā netiks...
CORRECTION: AS “mogo” financial calendar in 2018.
May 02, 2018 10:19 ET | mogo
CORRECTION: In accordance with the project for attracting group funding, unaudited interim condensed financial statements for the 3 month period ended 31 March 2018 will not be...
AS “mogo” audited fi
AS “mogo” audited financial statements for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2017.
April 27, 2018 15:44 ET | mogo
Turnover amounted to EUR 13.9 million (34% increase, compared to the same period in 2016), EBITDA reached EUR 7.4 million (32% increase, compared to the same period in 2016), net profit was EUR 3.6...