Correction: Marel hf
Correction: Marel hf. – Reduction in share capital - Published 2018-12-03 11:37:34 CET
December 03, 2018 06:18 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Correction: Incorrect Orderbook ID in the previous announcement. With reference to an announcement made public by Marel hf. (symbol: MARL) on November 30, 2018, the total nominal value of the...
Correction: Hagar hf
Correction: Hagar hf. - Increase in share capital - Published 2018-12-03 11:35:14 CET
December 03, 2018 06:16 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Correction: Orderbook ID was incorrect in the previous announcement. With reference to an announcement made public by Hagar hf. (symbol: HAGA) on November 30, 2018, the total nominal value of the...
Leiðrétting: Hagar h
Leiðrétting: Hagar hf. - Hækkun hlutafjár - Frétt birt 2018-12-03 11:35:14 CET
December 03, 2018 06:16 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Leiðrétting: Rangt Orderbook ID í fyrri tilkynningu.  Með vísan til tilkynningar sem Hagar hf. (auðkenni: HAGA) birtu opinberlega 30. nóvember 2018 verður skráð hlutafé félagsins í...
Marel hf. – Reductio
Marel hf. – Reduction in share capital
December 03, 2018 05:37 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
With reference to an announcement made public by Marel hf. (symbol: MARL) on November 30, 2018, the total nominal value of the company‘s listed share capital on Nasdaq Iceland hf. will be...
Marel hf. – Lækkun h
Marel hf. – Lækkun hlutafjár
December 03, 2018 05:37 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Með vísan til tilkynningar sem Marel hf. (auðkenni: MARL) birti opinberlega 30. nóvember 2018 verður skráð hlutafé félagsins í viðskiptakerfi Nasdaq Iceland hf. lækkað frá og með 4. desember...
Hagar hf. - Hækkun h
Hagar hf. - Hækkun hlutafjár
December 03, 2018 05:35 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Með vísan til tilkynningar sem Hagar hf. (auðkenni: HAGA) birtu opinberlega 30. nóvember 2018 verður skráð hlutafé félagsins í viðskiptakerfi Nasdaq Iceland hf. hækkað þann 4. desember...
Hagar hf. - Increase
Hagar hf. - Increase in share capital
December 03, 2018 05:35 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
With reference to an announcement made public by Hagar hf. (symbol: HAGA) on November 30, 2018, the total nominal value of the company's listed share capital on Nasdaq Iceland hf. will be increased...
Leiðrétting: Lánamál
Leiðrétting: Lánamál ríkisins – Ríkisvíxlar (RIKV 19 0515) teknir til viðskipta 29. nóvember 2018 - Frétt birt 2018-11-28 16:25:28 CET
November 28, 2018 10:42 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Leiðrétting: Í fyrirsögn íslensku útgáfu tilkynningarinnar kom fram að víxillinn yrði tekinn til viðskipta 28. nóvember 2018. Hið rétta er að víxillinn verður tekinn til viðskipta þann 29. nóvember...
Correction: Governme
Correction: Government Debt Management - Treasury Bills (RIKV 19 0515) admitted to trading on November 29, 2018 - Published 2018-11-28 16:25:28 CET
November 28, 2018 10:42 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Correction: In the icelandic version of the announcement the date of admission to trading was listed as November 28, 2018. The correct date of admission to trading is November 29, 2018. The english...
Government Debt Mana
Government Debt Management - Treasury Bills (RIKV 19 0515) admitted to trading on November 29, 2018
November 28, 2018 10:25 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
    Issuer Information   1 Issuer: Endurlán ríkissjóðs 2 Org....