NASDAQ og OMX munu sameinast
May 25, 2007 04:39 ET | OMX Iceland
Sjá enska frétt í viðhengi ...
May 25, 2007 04:39 ET | OMX Iceland
See attachment. ...
- Viðskipti stöðvuð, frétt væntanleg fyrir opnun markaða í fyrramálið
May 24, 2007 09:50 ET | OMX Iceland
Viðskipti stöðvuð með hluti í OMX. Frétt væntanleg fyrir opnun markaða í fyrramálið. ...
- Trading halted.
May 24, 2007 09:50 ET | OMX Iceland
The trading in OMX shares is suspended until further notice. Information is expected tomorrow before the start of trading. ...
- OMX ætlar að kaupa Kauphöll og Verðbréfamiðstöð Armeníu
April 27, 2007 05:25 ET | OMX Iceland
OMX, sem er leiðandi aðili í kauphallarviðskiptum, Central-bankinn í Armeníu og ríkisstjórn Armeníu hafa undirritað viljayfirlýsingu um kaup OMX á Kauphöll og Verðbréfamiðstöð Armeníu. „Við...
- OMX to acquire the Armenian Stock Exchange and Central Depository
April 27, 2007 05:25 ET | OMX Iceland
OMX, the leading expert in the exchange industry, and the Central Bank of Armenia and the Government of Armenia have signed a letter of intent regarding acquisition of the Armenian Stock Exchange...
- OMX selur 650 000 hluti í Orc Software.
April 24, 2007 05:16 ET | OMX Iceland
Sjá enska frétt. ...
- OMX makes minor divestment of shares in Orc Software
April 24, 2007 05:16 ET | OMX Iceland
OMX has sold 650 000 shares in Orc Software. OMX' result from this divestment is estimated to approximately SEK 100 million, to be recognized as other income during the second quarter of 2007....
- 3 mánaða uppgjör 2007
April 24, 2007 05:08 ET | OMX Iceland
Sjá enska frétt. ...
- Interim report January-March 2007
April 24, 2007 05:08 ET | OMX Iceland
Record high exchange activity • Revenues during January - March increased to SEK 1,062 m (903) • Operating income rose to SEK 348 m (334) • Income after financial items rose to SEK 329 m (319)...