AS Baltic RE Group n
AS Baltic RE Group nerevidētais starpperioda saīsinātais konsolidētais finanšu pārskats par 2017. gada pirmo pusgadu
31 août 2017 10h32 HE | Baltic RE Group
2017. gada pirmajos 6 mēnešos Baltic RE Group Koncerns, salīdzinot ar 2016. gada gadu pirmajiem 6 mēnešiem, apgrozījumu palielinājies par 14%, sasniedzot ieņēmumus 2 310 871 EUR apmērā....
Completion of merge
Completion of merge procedure for subsidiaries of Baltic RE Group AS
18 août 2017 04h34 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group informs that on August 9, 2017  has been received the final positive decision from the Register of Enterprises of Latvia about the merge of 100% controlled Italian...
Reorganizācijas proc
Reorganizācijas procedūras pabeigšana Baltic RE Group AS meitas sabiedrībās
18 août 2017 04h34 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group informē, ka 2017. gada 9. augustā tika saņemts pozitīvs lēmums no Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu Reģistra par 100% kontrolētas Itāļu sabiedrības Baltic Re S.p.a. reorganizāciju ar...
AS Baltic RE Group n
AS Baltic RE Group noslēdza papildvienošanos ar AS ABLV Bank par kredītportfeļa summas palielināšanu līdz 31 mlj. EUR.
11 juil. 2017 07h18 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group (turpmāk tekstā – Sabiedrība) 2017. gada 26. jūnijā noslēdza papildvienošanos pie esošā kredītportfeļa līguma ar ABLV Bank AS par kredīta summas palielināšanu līdz 31 mlj. EUR....
AS Baltic RE Group c
AS Baltic RE Group concluded an additional agreement with ABLV Bank for increasing the portfolio loan amount to 31 million EUR
11 juil. 2017 07h18 HE | Baltic RE Group
On June 26, 2017, AS Baltic RE Group (hereinafter - the Company) concluded an addendum to the existing portfolio loan agreement with ABLV Bank AS for increasing the loan amount to 31 million EUR....
Baltic RE Group AS i
Baltic RE Group AS increase of equity capital
26 mai 2017 04h16 HE | Baltic RE Group
On May 18, 2017 AS Baltic RE Group (hereinafter – the Company) held an extraordinary stockholder’s meeting. In meeting decisions were made about increasing Company’s equity capital and...
Baltic RE Group AS p
Baltic RE Group AS pašu kapitāla palielināšana
26 mai 2017 04h16 HE | Baltic RE Group
2017. gada 18. maijā notika AS Baltic RE Group (turpmāk tekstā – Sabiedrība) ārkārtas akcionāru sapulce. Sapulcē tika pieņemti lēmumi par Sabiedrības pašu kapitāla palielināšanu un pašu kapitāla...
Papildus informācija
Papildus informācija pie AS Baltic RE Group 2017. gada 2. maija ziņojuma par SIA TER Properties daļu iegādi
10 mai 2017 02h52 HE | Baltic RE Group
2017. gada 2. maijā AS Baltic RE Group paziņoja, ka 2017. gada 26. aprīlī AS Baltic RE Group panāca SIA TER Properties (reģistrācijas numurs 40103881878) 4 100 000 daļu iegādi, kas ir 91.11% no...
Additional informati
Additional information to AS Baltic RE Group notice published on 2 May 2017 about acquisition of SIA TER Properties shares
10 mai 2017 02h52 HE | Baltic RE Group
On May 02, 2017 AS Baltic RE Group announced, that on April 26, 2017 AS Baltic RE Group achieved to acquire 4’100’000 shares of SIA TER Properties (registration number 40103881878), corresponding...
CORRECTION: AS Baltic RE Group audited consolidated financial statement for year 2016
02 mai 2017 10h34 HE | Baltic RE Group
Corrections – additionally added audited annual report and independent auditors report for financial year 2016. The rest of published information has not changed. In comparison to the previous...