정정 - Evident, Bain Capital의 인수로 미래 성장과 혁신에 박차 가하는 파트너십 구축
04 avr. 2023 14h47 HE | Evident
도쿄, April 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 상단과 동일한 제목으로 금일 Evident Corporation이 발표한 보도자료에서 Yuji Sugimoto와 Stephen Thomas의 직책이 ‘파트너’로 정정되었으며, Stephen Thomas의 이름 철자 역시 수정되었다. 다음 보도자료는 이와 같은 수정 사항을 반영한...
PEMBETULAN - Evident Diperoleh oleh Bain Capital: Perkongsian untuk Memecut Pertumbuhan dan Inovasi Masa Hadapan
04 avr. 2023 14h47 HE | Evident
TOKYO, April 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dalam keluaran di bawah tajuk yang sama awal hari ini oleh Evident Corporation, sila ambil perhatian bahawa jawatan Yuji Sugimoto dan Stephen Thomas telah...
CORREÇÃO - Bain Capital Adquire Evident: Parceria irá Acelerar o Crescimento e a Inovação Futuros
04 avr. 2023 14h47 HE | Evident
TÓQUIO, April 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Em um comunicado publicado sob o mesmo título hoje pela Evident Corporation, observe que os cargos de Yuji Sugimoto e Stephen Thomas foram modificados...
CORRECCIÓN - Bain Capital adquiere Evident: Asociación acelera futuro crecimiento e innovación
04 avr. 2023 14h47 HE | Evident
TOKIO, April 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- En un comunicado anterior emitido hoy bajo el mismo título por Evident Corporation, tenga en cuenta que los títulos de Yuji Sugimoto y Stephen Thomas fueron...
CORRECTION - Evident Acquired by Bain Capital: Partnership to Accelerate Future Growth and Innovation
03 avr. 2023 14h28 HE | Evident
TOKYO, April 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a release issued under the same headline earlier today by Evident Corporation, please note that the titles of Yuji Sugimoto and Stephen Thomas have been...
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Evident Acquired by Bain Capital: Partnership to Accelerate Future Growth and Innovation
03 avr. 2023 02h30 HE | Evident
TOKYO, April 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evident Corporation (“Evident”) announced today that it has been acquired by private equity firm Bain Capital Private Equity (“Bain Capital”) from Olympus...
Společnost Evident b
Společnost Evident byla převzata společností Bain Capital: partnerství pro urychlení budoucího růstu a inovací
03 avr. 2023 02h30 HE | Evident
TOKIO, April 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Společnost Evident Corporation ("Evident") dnes oznámila, že ji na základě konečné dohody podepsané 29. srpna 2022 převzala soukromá kapitálová společnost...
Bain Capital fait l'
Bain Capital fait l'acquisition d'Evident: ce partenariat doit accélérer la croissance future et l'innovation
03 avr. 2023 02h30 HE | Evident
TOKYO, 03 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evident Corporation (« Evident ») a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir été acquise par la société de capital-investissement Bain Capital Private Equity (« Bain...
Bain Capital übernim
Bain Capital übernimmt Evident: Partnerschaft zur Beschleunigung von Wachstum und Innovation in der Zukunft
03 avr. 2023 02h30 HE | Evident
TOKIO, April 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Die Evident Corporation („Evident“) hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass die Übernahme des Unternehmens, das zuvor zur Olympus Corporation („Olympus“) gehörte,...
Evident viene acquis
Evident viene acquisita da Bain Capital: una partnership per accelerare la futura crescita e innovazione
03 avr. 2023 02h30 HE | Evident
TOKYO, April 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evident Corporation (“Evident”) ha annunciato oggi di essere stata acquisita da parte della società di private equity Bain Capital Private Equity ("Bain...