LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - February 10, 2010) - "Toto," a 7-year old Chihuahua/Schipperke mix, spent his life tied up in a locked garage before a neighbor alerted L.A. City Animal Control. He then spent another five months sharing a kennel with three other dogs at the West Valley Animal Shelter before a concerned dog lover noticed him and initiated a massive media campaign to find this dog a home.
Writer For Hire owner Pat Kramer spotted the 14-pound Chihuahua mix with the 'huge eyes' last November while visiting the Shelter to adopt another dog. At that time, "Toto" was on the shelter's 'Green List,' one step away from being euthanized. Due to being kept in the dark for so many years, his little eyes bulged from exposure to sunlight. But according to the Shelter's staff, he was one of the sweetest, most loved dogs there.
Pat recalls, "With the number of dogs needing a home, I was afraid he might get 'put down' before I could help him."
When she returned to adopt him a few weeks later, Toto was very ill from the crowded conditions at the shelter and was not expected to survive. However, he did, and on January 5th, Pat began fostering him at her home until a permanent home could be found. "I was intent on seeing this through," she says, "no matter how inconvenient it might be."
To help her along, the animal shelter donated a carrying crate. Local animal rescue foundation, New Leash on Life, also pitched in, donating a sleeping crate for Toto. To help socialize him, Jami, a local animal trainer, began teaching him basic social skills.
Over the next few weeks, Toto's photo and story were posted by on Facebook, Craigs List, and animal rescue sites: New Leash on Life, Second Acts Foundation and Pet Adoption Fund with Animal Control Officer Gabi Hartel and Mae Ross of 321 Talent Showcase helping with the postings. Through these efforts, thousands of people were acquainted with Toto's plight and on January 26th, a local family adopted him.
Today, as a result of many people working together, Toto is now a 'pet' for the first time in his life. No longer tied up or left alone, he has a family to love.
Says Pat, "In the process of helping this little guy, I became aware of the many wonderful people out there who give of their time to rescue unwanted pets. These people are real 'saints' for what they do!"
She adds, "If people can donate even a small amount, it will help. For those who can adopt, please do so now. It's so critical that these animals get some help. The love you get back will more than compensate for your costs -- and as we know-- no act of kindness goes unpaid, especially as it relates to animals."
Pat Kramer, a freelance writer living in Los Angeles, is the founder of Writer For Hire and a proponent of animal rescue work and charities supporting humane treatment of animals.
Contact Information: For more info. please contact: Pat Kramer (818) 353-5699