Forstædernes Bank A/S convenes its Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 26 February 2010 at 15:00 at Forstædernes Bank A/S's offices, Kalvebod Brygge 47, DK-1560 Copenhagen V, with the following agenda: 1. Election of chairman of the meeting 2. Directors' report on the Company's activities in the past financial year 3. Presentation of the audited Annual Report for 2009 for approval, discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board and resolution on the appropriation of profit or loss according to the adopted Annual Report 4. Motions by the Board of Directors or shareholders, if any. a. Amendments to Articles of Association: Article 8, first section, is amended from: "The ordinary general meeting shall be held annually in February or March. The general meeting shall be held in the Greater Copenhagen area upon the decision of the Board of Directors. The general meeting shall be called by the Board of Directors upon insertion of a notice in one national newspaper and by written notice to any shareholder registered in the register of shareholders who has requested such notice. The notice shall be inserted at a maximum of four weeks' and a minimum of 14 days' notice." to "The company's general meetings shall be held in Greater Copenhagen and shall be called by the Board of Directors at a maximum of four weeks' and a minimum of eight days' notice. General meetings shall be called by letter to any registered shareholder sent to the address stated in the company's register of shareholders." 5. Election of Directors 6. Appointment of one or two state-authorised public accountants (external auditors) 7. Any other business Pursuant to Article 8 of the Articles of Association, the Annual Report, including Auditors' Reports, as well as the agenda and complete motions will be made available for inspection by shareholders at the Bank's offices not later than eight days prior to the General Meeting and forwarded to registered shareholders. Copenhagen, 12 February 2010 Forstædernes Bank A/S Board of Directors
Company ProfileForstædernes Bank A/SIndustry: Banks
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