Lakewood Animal Clinic Hosts Paws to Save a Life Blood Drive on September 10

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Sept. 07, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lakewood Animal Clinic in Jacksonville is encouraging pet owners to join in on life-saving efforts during their Paws to Save a Life Blood Drive on Saturday, September 10th.

While the center is usually busy saving the lives of pets, this event is a little different. This time it is the humans who will benefit, as LifeSouth Community Blood Centers will be on site to screen potential donors and accept blood donations.

"We are very proud to be part of this program," says Dr. Craig Sandler, veterinarian and owner of Lakewood Animal Clinic. "Any chance to save a life is important, whether it’s that of a pet or human."

According to LifeSouth's website, more than 44,000 blood donations are needed every day in America—an average of someone in the U.S. requiring a donation once every two seconds. Many of these patients are critically ill children, car accident victims, and those with other life threatening disorders. To put things into perspective, one blood donation (one pint) can save up to three lives.

"The need for blood donations in our area is constant. Our entire team is so excited about this event and our ability to give back to our community," continues Dr. Sandler.

For those who are new to the process, blood donation only takes about a half-hour. Staff members will first review health history, ask about any recent travel, and then take the potential donor's pulse and blood pressure.

After donation, participants are encouraged to drink 12 ounces of fluid and eat something before they leave. In addition, they are encouraged to drink more water than normal over the next day or so. It is also recommended that heavy lifting, strenuous physical effort, and heat-related activities are avoided for 24 hours.

The event takes place during the day to allow for as many participants as possible. All donors will receive a recognition item and a complimentary cholesterol screening. Those with Type O blood are especially encouraged to give, as it is the kind most often requested by Florida hospitals.

The Paws to Save a Life Blood Drive takes place from 8:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M on Saturday, September 10th. All donors over the age of sixteen and weighing at least 110lbs are encouraged to take part, but minors will require written parental permission. Lakewood Animal Clinic is located at 6052 San Jose Boulevard in Jacksonville.

About Lakewood Animal Clinic

Lakewood Animal Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida is a full service veterinary center. The animal hospital offers preventative healthcare, holistic care, emergency care, and laser therapy for cats and dogs of all sizes. For more information about the veterinary center or to schedule an appointment, please call (904) 733-4447. Additional information can be found on their website at

Lakewood Animal Clinic, (904) 733-4447

Company ProfileLakewood Animal ClinicIndustry: Health Care Providers