Washington D.C., March 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of the National Association for Proton Therapy (NAPT) has awarded George Laramore, MD, PhD, FACR, FASTRO, of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Proton Therapy Center and the University of Washington, the 2019 NAPT Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his decades of pioneering work in the field of particle therapy.

In announcing the award, NAPT Executive Director, Scott Warwick, stated “Dr. Laramore has brought honor and distinction to the field of particle therapy and we are grateful for the opportunity to award him for his endless dedication and perseverance to serve cancer patients across the country and the world.”

Dr. Laramore’s vision that particle therapy would be at the forefront of the future of radiation therapy has been instrumental to the development of the field as it exists today.  His vision combined with his steadfast perseverance to make particle therapy available in the Northwestern United States has and continues to benefit thousands of cancer patients every year.  

In addition to his vision and perseverance, his extraordinary and extensive leadership in the field of Head and Neck Cancer research has been paramount in assuring the best outcomes for cancer patients facing this diagnosis.  

“Cancer patients across the country have and continue to benefit from Dr. Laramore’s interest in physics, medicine, and clinical research.” stated Vickie Miller, chair of the National Association for Proton Therapy Board of Directors. “We are thankful for his willingness to dedicate his career to improving radiation treatment for cancer patients.”

Dr. Laramore has also dedicated much of his career to training Radiation Oncologists who are now delivering radiation therapy to cancer patients throughout the country and the world.  His vision and legacy will continue on through them and, in turn, the physicians they train to treat patients with particle therapy. 

Upon learning he had received the NAPT Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Laramore stated “I am overwhelmed by NAPT giving me this award, particularly in view of the outstanding Radiation Oncologists who have previously received it. I have spent most of my professional life working with particle radiation of one form or another — first neutrons and then protons. While not appropriate for every cancer patient, it is clear to me that there are many patients who can be best served by proton therapy. I am so grateful I have been able to help make this treatment available to them.” He also shared, “I want to acknowledge the support of my wife and family during this journey.”

Dr. Laramore will be officially presented with the NAPT Lifetime Achievement Award at the Lifetime Achievement Award Luncheon Ceremony during the upcoming NAPT 2019 National Proton Conference at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami, Florida on Tuesday, March 26th.  

The NAPT’s Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded annually to those individuals who have made significant contributions to the development and advancement of the field of proton therapy.  Past winners include Harvard’s Dr. Herman Suit, the late Dr. James Cox of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, and the late Dr. James M. Slater of Loma Linda University Medical Center among others.  


About The National Association for Proton Therapy (NAPT)

The National Association for Proton Therapy is an independent nonprofit organization founded in 1990 to educate and increase awareness about the clinical benefits of proton therapy. The NAPT’s mission is to; 

  1. work collaboratively to educate and raise awareness of the clinical benefits of proton therapy among patients, providers, clinicians, payers, policymakers, and other stakeholders; 
  2. ensure patient choice and access to affordable proton therapy; 
  3. and encourage cooperative research and innovation to advance the appropriate and cost-effective utilization of proton therapy. 

The NAPT’s supporting members are world-renowned cancer centers, a number of whom are National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers and National Comprehensive Care Network (NCCN) members. A full list of our members may be found at:

About Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Proton Therapy

Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Proton Therapy is a cancer treatment center that uses precisely targeted radiation to treat cancer while preserving surrounding healthy tissue. Proton therapy is an advanced form of treatment that allows doctors to focus radiation directly into the tumor, reducing the potential for side effects. Protons are beneficial in treating a broad range of tumors, including those of the brain, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, head and neck, breast, lung, and prostate, as well as sarcomas and certain pediatric cancers. SCCA Proton Therapy unites top physician experts in cancer from UW Medicine and Seattle Children’s Hospital. SCCA Proton Therapy is located on UW Medicine's Northwest Hospital & Medical Center campus and is the only proton therapy center in a seven-state region. For more information about proton therapy, visit or follow SCCA Proton Therapy on Twitter @SCCAProtons and Facebook.


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