Diffeo Chief Scientist Recognized in 2019 Glushko Dissertation Competition

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diffeo, Inc., the pioneering leader of collaborative machine intelligence, today announced that Max Kleiman-Weiner, Chief Scientist at Diffeo, has won the Robert J. Glushko Prize for his doctoral thesis “Computational foundations of human social intelligence.” The prize is presented by a committee of academic peers from across the behavioral science discipline.

Kleiman-Weiner’s thesis focuses on understanding the cognitive structures behind human social intelligence by creating mathematically precise models of different social scenarios. These interactions are examined across three time-scales:  evolutionary, developmental and in-the-moment. Kleiman-Weiner’s thesis models how cognitive structures emerge from evolution out of a world of non-social agents, support acquisition during development and enable flexible reasoning and planning in-the-moment across any situation. Together, the models generated by these examinations provide new insight into how social behavior is ultimately grounded in learned social intelligence.

Glushko Dissertation Prizes are awarded via a joint partnership between the Cognitive Science Society and the Glushko-Samuelson Foundation. The prizes are intended to increase the prominence of cognitive science and encourage researchers to engage in interdisciplinary efforts to understand minds and intelligent systems. Areas of interest include psychology, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, neuroscience and education.

“We are extremely proud of Max’s achievement and his work advancing our collective understanding of cognitive science,” says Jason Briggs, Cofounder and COO at Diffeo. “As we continue to develop the Diffeo AI-powered research assistant, understanding the human thought process is critical to ensuring that our products anticipate users’ needs and provide deeper insights into the data that decision makers need.  We applaud Max’s work and look forward to his future accomplishment.”

Kleiman-Weiner’s activity and research in the field of cognitive science and artificial intelligence spans the last decade. He has earned degrees from Stanford University, the University of Oxford, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he performed his research and constructed his PhD. thesis.

About Diffeo

Diffeo, Inc. is a Cambridge-based startup developing AI agents that collaborate with you. The Diffeo collaborative agent can see what you are doing and anticipate what you need to do next. Diffeo discovers relationships in disparate data, in your cloud apps, your enterprise data portals, and on the Internet. Diffeo agents are augmenting decision makers in analyst teams and some of the most critical government institutions across the world. Diffeo grew out of research in DARPA Memex and NIST’s TREC.


Jason Briggs
Diffeo, Inc.

Company ProfileDiffeoIndustry: Technology