Fighting Fake MeToos: Common Sense Workplace Privacy Bill Goes to Congress

The Restore Privacy Act of 2019 is circulating with both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees; Alki David backed proposal aims to stop unethical lawyers from using leaks and social media to destroy reputations ahead of fair trials; Brings civil employment law in line with medical, insurance and family law

Washington D.C., Sept. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today the Restore Privacy Act of 2019 is circulating in draft form to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. The proposed legislation, supported by Los Angeles-based businessman Alki David, is intended to protect both plaintiffs and defendants in civil employment cases from being “tried and convicted” in social media. The rise of lawyers who profit off of Fake MeToo cases has created an urgent need for this reform. The common sense protections would bring civil employment cases in line with medical, insurance, and family law.

The need is clear. With increasing unfiltered mainstream media and social media, officers of the court are now exploiting mass media in a malicious fashion to publicly reveal sensitive, private, and often false information associated with civil employment legal proceedings. This often results in the accused being defamed, slandered, and found guilty in the court of public opinion, reputation in ruin, on a global scale, long before a court has determined the guilt or innocence of the accused.  

“I’ve been fighting bogus lawsuits from greedy lawyers exploiting the MeToo movement for their own gain for years,” said Alki David, CEO of FilmOn Networks. “But I’m not doing this for myself. I’m seeking common sense reform to keep unethical lawyers in check, and protect the average business owner, or manager, or any worker, who can’t pay lawyers to fight for their good name.” 

The law would prohibit officers of the court from making any public statements about the legal matter or accused and mandate that the facts, arguments, and deliberations during a civil employment legal proceeding remain sealed throughout the court process and only opened at the end of the court proceeding, only if the accused is found guilty or otherwise legally found at fault or at the  discretion of the judge in extraordinary circumstances. This would include “planting” stories (as one celebrity attorney was found to have done on behalf of Harvey Weinstein), cable news interviews, leaks and all social media such as Twitter. Gloria Allred has recently spoken about her support for increased privacy in these matters as well, and is supporting similar legal changes in California.

The proposed legislation is being managed through the congressional process by Washington D.C.-based Jeffrey Taylor of USGRI Government Relations.

For more information about the proposed legislation, or to request an interview with Mr. David, contact: 


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