Political Fundraising Goes Crypto, Transforms Campaigning

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via InvestorWire -- There is no question that cryptocurrencies are overhauling the way people look at money, as well as how younger generations are participating in trading and investments. It was only a matter of time before crypto and political campaigning collided.

It is no secret that most political contributions come from older demographics. But what if there was a way to spark the interest of the young crypto enthusiasts, potentially nonpolitical contributors, by positioning their contribution as an investment vehicle?

The first politically focused crypto project is RTTv2 (Real Trump Token). This project launched in early June 2021 and is rapidly building momentum through its tokenomics and NFT launch.

So, how does it work?

Upon each transaction, there are percentages allocated to specific functions.

RTTv2 tokenomics allocations:

  • 3% of all transactions go toward the America First movement, helping get America First candidates into the House and Senate in 2022, and supporting the reelection of President Donald J. Trump (“DJT”) In 2024 (should he run).
  • 1% donated to charity (separate from any political agenda or affiliation).
  • 2% returned to RTTv2 holders.

As of Sept. 21, 2021, through the 3% allocation the project has accumulated approximately $80,166 (216.12 BNB).

View live accumulation at: https://bscscan.com/address/0xe38b45685bc8012c48df48b92c425c8704b0d818?fbclid=IwAR3AXJi_ptd6JFj8MzRPbPFwzV_FvKqQ-wrxLSTr4J2A5e75I5JAxKOYf1c

This is certainly not just an attractive proposition for young crypto enthusiasts. Expect to see corporations take notice as they realize they are able to potentially earn immense returns on their contributions.

As each election season begins to ramp up, the chart will undoubtedly begin to see positive movement; however, those who purchased in the off season will see considerable rewards from the 2%, which is being returned to holders from each transaction. This percentage will vary between projects, as there are no standard requirements.

Along with the differing tokenomics that will be developed by other projects, there will be capitalization on the NFT market in a variety of creative and unforeseen ways.

What is an NFT? Here is a four-minute video explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNQLJcJEzv0

The RTTv2 project has launched its own DJT NFT collection, with 4,500 to be minted through its own NFT Marketplace, called OpenCanvas. The sales of the DJT NFT, combined with sales of any other NFT within the marketplace, also play a role in enhancing the RTTv2 cryptocurrency/fundraising opportunity.

For instance, 20% of the revenue that comes in from NFT sales through OpenCanvas will be used to buy and burn RTTv2, up to $1 million. This will effectively decrease the available number of tokens, put $30,000 into the campaign fund, add $10,000 into the nonpolitical donation pot and reallocate 20,000 tokens to holders.

The first “liaison” from a huge political group has joined the RTTv2 management team. Through this group, RTTv2 has been involved with multiple high-profile attorneys, CPAs and others who are heavily involved in the political landscape, including mainstream media outlets.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology adoption are rapidly increasing in retail investment and functional benefits. This is the first of many political crypto projects sure to emerge in the coming years.

Click here to learn about RTTv2.

Click here OpenCanvas newest NFT collection.

About RTTv2

Real Trump Token is a crypto designed to apply 3% of blockchain transactions toward organizations that put America First, supporting the legacy of President Donald J. Trump, his reelection in 2024, and helping get America First candidates into the House and Senate in 2022.

For more information, visit realtrumptoken.com.

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Company ProfileReal Trump Token Industry: Specialty Finance