Canadian Open Data Awards 2022 Deadline extended

New deadline: December 1st, 17:00 UTC–4

TORONTO, Nov. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

What: The Canadian Open Data Society recognizing and celebrating excellence in open data in Canada through the Canadian Open Data Awards. We are extending the deadline to give the opportunity for more individuals and organizations to be recognized.


Where: Awards to be announced on Canadian Open Data Society channels and at an awards ceremony early in 2023.


The Canadian Open Data Society wants to recognize excellence in the field of open data with the Canadian Open Data Awards 2022. There will be up to eight awards in total, seven for organizations and one for an individual.

Organizations: Submit only one document, 500 words maximum (no appendices), telling the story of all your achievements and touching on as many as possible of these five criteria:

  • Accessibility
  • Engagement and Advocacy
  • Equity
  • Innovation
  • Data Quality

Each submission will be considered for all seven organizational awards. Please do not send multiple submissions for your organization for different criteria.

Individuals: Submissions (500 words max, no appendices) will be accepted for Canadian Open Data Leader of the Year, and judged using the five criteria listed above.

The Awards:

Open Data Accessibility Award - Improving access to open data (Policies/Processes)

Open Data for Democracy Award - Fostering democracy through advocating open data and increasing engagement (People/Democracy)

Open Data Equity Award - Mobilizing open data to ensure groups of people are given the same resources or opportunities (Outcomes Improvement)

Open Data Innovation Award - Innovation with open data (Trying something new)

Open Data Quality Award - Completeness, consistency, and standardization of open data (Advancing data quality)

Open Data Rising Star - Best instance of some of or all the above five achievements from a fledgling organization

Canadian Open Data Excellence Award 2022 - Best overall submission from all the nominated organizations

Canadian Open Data Leader of the Year - Individual award recognizing national/international leadership in Open Data by a Canadian.

What to do: Submit an attached Word document (not pdf) that should not exceed 500 words in total to The nomination should address as many as possible of the five criteria within those 500 words. Tell us your story.


Eligible – organizations in any sector, and individuals.
Ineligible – members of the jury; members of the CODS board of directors; hosts of the Canadian Open Data Summit 2022.


  • There is no date limit on the achievements submitted; they can cover 2022 or an extended period of contributions.
  • Nominations are accepted from the organizations and individuals themselves or from third parties, but those who nominate others must obtain the nominee’s agreement to be put forward and include this permission in writing with the submission.
  • If you feel you have a strength in one or two categories more than in others, you may choose to emphasize those. Keep in mind that to win the Excellence Award you will need to demonstrate strength overall.
  • Those who submitted in the past are strongly encouraged to resubmit (updated) entries for 2022.
  • At their discretion the jury may decline to offer an award in a specific category.

Nominate today! Submit your nomination as a Word document attached to an email to:

Deadline: December 1, 2022; 17:00 UTC-4


Paul Connor, Executive Director (T: 416-921-6555 E:

Company ProfileCanadian Open Data Society