Dermatologic Surgeons Recognized for Annual Awards at the 2023 ASDS Annual Meeting

Each year, service awards and program recognitions are presented as ASDS members celebrate recent achievements and successes.

Schaumburg, IL, Nov. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elite dermatologists were recognized during the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, for a variety of annual service awards, competitions and program recognitions. The Society’s annual awards acknowledge their outstanding work and commitment to the dermatologic surgery specialty.


President's Awards

Each year, the President recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the Society or whose work has advanced the dermatologic surgery specialty in a meaningful way. 

  • Murad Alam MD, MBA — For his leadership and guidance on several critical matters related to the hiring of the next ASDS/A executive director and the election process and rising to every occasion presented without hesitation.
  • Sue Ellen Cox, MD — In recognition of her continued commitment to ASDS, leading with a steady grace, seeking to support decisions with the Society’s best interests in mind. 
  • Amy Derick, MD — For her efforts advocating on behalf of ASDS/A members for fair policies and reimbursement that make a difference for the organization and its members.
  • Alexander Gross, MD — For his support of ASDSA’s Medical Board Academy and for fair policies as an influential medical board leader.  
  • Deirdre Hooper, MD — To honor her open-minded, balanced and thoughtful counsel that led to improvements in budgeting and reporting processes and for her willingness to commit time and attention to effectively complete any job that comes her way.
  • Sara Moghaddam, MD —For her commitment and dedication to serving on ASDSA’s Medical Board Academy as she shares her experience and personal insight with members looking to join their state’s medical board.
  • Susan Weinkle, MD — For being instrumental to the Society’s fundraising success with industry and inspiring countless ASDS members and residents with her passion and generosity.
  • Katherine Duerdoth, CAE — To express the organization’s deepest gratitude for her unwavering support and guidance for the organization since 2001.

Samuel J. Stegman, MD, Award for Distinguished Service

This prestigious award was inaugurated in 1996 to honor individuals who have significantly contributed to the Society and field of dermatologic surgery. Kimberly Butterwick, MD, has been nominated for her outstanding leadership, commitment and service to ASDS. Dr. Butterwick was recognized at the 16th Annual ASDS Gala on Saturday, Nov. 4.

Award for Outstanding Service

This award recognizes a young, emerging leader of ASDS who has demonstrated commitment to the Society’s growth and success. Rajiv Nijhawan, MD, is a valuable asset to ASDS/A, making major contributions in the realms of education, research, committee service, advocacy and mentorship.

Lawrence M. Field, MD, Honorary Lecture

This lecture honors the monumental achievements and motivational energy of Dr. Field, who served as a catalyst for the inception of the named lecture. The nominated speaker’s dermatologic career must follow the paths and emulate the contributions charted by Dr. Field to further physician education and patient care. On Saturday, Nov. 4, Sudip Parajuli, MBBS, MD, presented, “Making a Difference Through the International Traveling Mentorship Program: Changing Surgical and Medical Practice in Dermatology in Nepal.” Dr. Parajuli currently serves as Associate Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu with more than 15 years of experience in the field.


Vic Narurkar, MD, Innovations in Aesthetic Dermatology Lecture

This session was created in partnership with Allergan Aesthetics to honor Dr. Narurkar’s legacy and extraordinary contributions in the field of aesthetic dermatology. Rhoda S. Narins, MD, delivered her presentation, “Parallels in the History of Aesthetic Procedures and ASDS,” on Saturday, Nov. 4, providing a thought-provoking look at the parallels in the history of tumescent liposuction and the use of fillers and toxins with the history of ASDS, along with an overview of the aesthetic evolution to the present-day state using new developments in the 21st century to improve patient outcomes. Dr. Narins is a pioneer in liposuction, an expert in filler and toxin injectables – who did much of the original research – and an educational leader in cosmetic dermatological surgery for a myriad of organizations, including Past President of ASDS and recipient of the Samuel J. Stegman, MD, Award for Distinguished Service.


Drs. Alastair and Jean D. Carruthers Award for Top-rated Cosmetic Fellow Abstract

In honor of Drs. Alastair and Jean Carruthers, this award stimulates interest and acknowledges cosmetic research contributions from members of ASDS-accredited fellowship training programs. Taryn Murray, MD, was recognized for her work on, “Split-Face Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Cryomodulation for Reduction of Pain and Inflammation After Nonablative Fractional Resurfacing.”


ASDS Research Grants

ASDS supports research that aligns with its mission and supports innovation in the field of dermatologic surgery. The 2023 grant recipients are:

  • Conroy Chow, MD, for the proposal, "Use of Topical Silver Sulfadiazine for Granulating Wounds after Mohs Surgery”
  • Ali Malik, MD, for the proposal, "Truth in Advertising: A Study of Medical Spas in Missouri”

Review Article Incentive Program

The ASDS Journal Awards Work Group reviews program applications to identify those that exceptionally evaluate existing works. Michelle Le, MD, was acknowledged for her article, "Mohs micrographic surgery is equivalent to nail unit excision or amputation for melanoma in situ of the nail unit: A systematic review and meta-analysis,” which was published in the August 2023 issue of Dermatologic Surgery.

Young Investigators Writing Competition

This program awards eligible members who have submitted original ideas, research and articles for journal publication. This year’s recipients are:

  • Shayan Cheraghlou, MD, for the article “Assessing rates of positive surgical margins after standard excision of vulvar melanomas” (to be published in Dermatologic Surgery)
  • Andrea Tan, MD, for the article,  “Mohs surgeons dominate cutaneous reconstructions in cosmetically and functionally sensitive sites: Medicare trends from 2013-2019” (published in the June 2023 issue of Dermatologic Surgery)

Choose Skin Health

In partnership with Neutrogena®, Choose Skin Health offers free skin cancer screenings to the general public and recognizes the ASDS members who perform the most screenings throughout the year. The 2023 Top National Screener is Daniel Marshall, DO, who represents the Top Practice, Alpine Dermatology Clinic. Top Regional Screeners include Jeffrey Rapaport, MD; Elizabeth Kiracofe, MD; Natalie Monticciolo, DO; Daniel Ladd, Jr., DO; and Kelly Bickle, MD.


2023 ASDS Presidents Awards Recipients

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