Ekstraordinær genera
Ekstraordinær generalforsamling den 21. juni 2007 kl. 15.00
June 11, 2007 09:06 ET | Tower Group A/S i likvidation
Bestyrelsen for Tower Group A/S indkalder til selskabets ekstraordinære generalforsamling, der afholdes 21. juni 2007 Kl. 15.00 hos Ernst & Young Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, Tagensvej...
TeliaSonera-ägda Cygate slutför förvärvet av Dimension Data Sverige
June 11, 2007 09:05 ET | Telia Company AB
Pressmeddelande 2007-06-11 TeliaSonera-ägda Cygate slutför förvärvet av Dimension Data Sverige Cygate, som ägs av TeliaSonera, har slutfört förvärvet av aktierna i Dimension Data Sverige,...
Räntor: Inregistreri
Räntor: Inregistrering av obligationer utgivna av Danske Bank A/S på Stockholmsbörsens Privatobligationslista (46/07)
June 11, 2007 09:05 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
Lån 139 utgivet av Danske Bank A/S inregistreras på Stockholmsbörsens Privatobligationslista fr.o.m. den 13 juni 2007: Se bifogad bilaga för mer information. ...
Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93)
June 11, 2007 09:05 ET | DLR Kredit A/S
I medfør af lov om værdipapirhandel § 27a, stk. 1 oplyser DLR Kredit A/S hermed om ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) pr. fredag d. 8. juni 2007. Oplysningerne fremgår af vedlagte fil. Denne...
Laptop Design USA Provides Unique Trade Show Incentives for Art-Exchange.com, Inc.
June 11, 2007 09:05 ET | Laptop Design USA, LLC
DEARBORN, MI--(Marketwire - June 11, 2007) - Visitors to the NeoCon® Exhibit that opens today at Chicago's Merchandise Mart will find a unique display of artists' work exhibited...
Alm. Brand Invest, C
Alm. Brand Invest, Changes Order Book Codes 12 June 2007
June 11, 2007 09:04 ET | Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S
The UCITS fund Alm. Brand Invest Please note that in connection with name changes for six of the sub-funds under Alm. Brand Invest, cf. exchange notice 8 June 2007, the order book codes in the...
Result of Utenos trikotažas, AB activity for the five months of 2007.
June 11, 2007 09:04 ET | Utenos Trikotazas
During the January - May months of 2007, Utenos trikotažas, AB sold a production for LTL 53,4 million (EUR 15,46 million), which is by 3,8 % more than in the same period of 2006. Expected a...
Preliminary data on
Preliminary data on early redemptions (prepayments)
June 11, 2007 09:04 ET | Jyske Realkredit A/S
To the Copenhagen Stock Exchange 11 June 2007 Announcement no. 10/2007 ...
The HON Company's Imaginative Green Man Group to Roam Chicago's Streets During NeoCon World's Trade Fair
June 11, 2007 09:00 ET | The HON Company
MUSCATINE, IA--(Marketwire - June 11, 2007) - If you notice green men roaming the streets near Chicago's Merchandise Mart, you aren't hallucinating. And no, Martians haven't invaded the Windy City....
Limbo 41414 Logo
Harry Potter in Limbo for 30 Days
June 11, 2007 09:00 ET | Limbo 41414
Exclusive 'Limbo' Game Awards Grand Prize Winner a Collector's-Quality First American Edition of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Signed by J.K. Rowling ...