Copenhagen Airports A/S: Portfolio of Own Shares
January 30, 2003 07:05 ET | Koebenhavns Lufthavne A/S
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Pursuant to Section 28 of the Danish Securities Trading Act it is hereby notified that as at January 30, 2003 Copenhagen Airports' portfolio of own...
Ny viseadm. dir. kon
Ny viseadm. dir. konstituert i SpareBank 1 Midt-Norge
January 30, 2003 06:50 ET | Sparebank 1 SMN
Trondheim, 30. januar 2003   I forbindelse med at adm.direktør Gunnar Dolven har fratrådt sin stilling i Bank 1 OSLO A/S har styret i banken konstituert viseadm.dir. Torbjørn Vik fra SpareBank...
Largest Gay Consumer Study Reveals Automotive, Food and Beverage Preferences
January 30, 2003 06:47 ET | OpusComm Group Inc.
SYRACUSE, N.Y., Jan. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Ford and Toyota Favorite Automakers 31% Spend $300 to $499 a Month on Groceries With 8,831 respondents, the recently...
SEB Trygg Liv föresl
SEB Trygg Liv föreslår en allmän äldreomsorgsförsäkring
January 30, 2003 06:00 ET | SEB
Att finansiera äldreomsorgen genom skatt, dvs omfördelning mellan generationer, och avgifter blir därför på sikt ohållbart. SEB Trygg Liv menar att en obligatorisk äldreomsorgsförsäkring behövs för...
Semcon: Profitable International Growth on a Tough Market
January 30, 2003 04:22 ET | Semcon
GOTEBORG, Sweden, Jan. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Semcon (Stockholm:SEMC): -- Sales rose by 6.5% to SEK 1,200 million (1,127m) -- The operating profit (EBIT) reached SEK 10.1 million (5.7 m), up...
Volvo: Invitation to Press Conference
January 30, 2003 04:03 ET | Volvo
GOTEBORG, Sweden, Jan. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- AB Volvo (Nasdaq:VOLVY) hereby invites the representatives of the media to a press conference on February 7 in conjunction with the release of the Volvo...
January 30, 2003 03:55 ET | Kemira Oyj
Kemira has decided to outsource its payroll office in Finland and the internal services of the Kemira House in Helsinki. The travel service function will not be outsourced but will be developed within...
A further NOK 250 million in capital released following sales and sale-leaseback agreements
January 30, 2003 03:40 ET | Akastor ASA
The sale-leaseback agreement with Kenmore Property Group, a UK based property investor, covers all office buildings and workshops in the Kvaerner Village. The parties have agreed long-term leases, and...
NeoNet's Year-End Report, January 1-December 31, 2002
January 30, 2003 03:34 ET | NeoNet
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- NeoNet (Stockholm:NEO): 2002 in Summary -- Transaction revenues amounted to SEK 184.7 m compared to SEK 190.1 m the previous year. Revenues...
Inbjudan till presse
Inbjudan till presseminarium
January 30, 2003 03:00 ET | SEB
Inom loppet av något decennium står Sverige inför en helt ny demografisk situation. Antalet äldre ökar och samtidigt minskar den yrkesverksamma befolkningen. Även om det är så att vi lägger friska år...