AS Tallinna Sadam fi
AS Tallinna Sadam financial results for 2020 Q1
May 15, 2020 02:00 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
In the first quarter of 2020, the revenue of AS Tallinna Sadam (hereinafter “the Group”) amounted to EUR 27.9 million, declining by 2.2% compared to the same period last year. The Group's adjusted...
2020. a suveks riik
2020. a suveks riik täiendava reisiparvlaevaga lisareise ei telli
May 14, 2020 02:19 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
Maanteeamet teavitas ASi Tallinna Sadam tütarettevõtet OÜ TS Laevad (edaspidi: „TS Laevad“) oma otsusest 2020. aasta suviseks kõrgperioodiks täiendava reisiparvlaevaga lisareise mitte tellida, kuna...
 The state will not
The state will not order additional voyages with an additional passenger ferry for the summer of 2020
May 14, 2020 02:19 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
Estonian Road Administration informed OÜ TS Laevad (hereafter “TS Laevad”), the subsidiary of AS Tallinna Sadam, of its decision not to order additional voyages with an additional passenger ferry for...
Tallinna Sadam will
Tallinna Sadam will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the results for Q1 2020
May 11, 2020 02:00 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
AS Tallinna Sadam invites all the stakeholders to join its investor conference webinar, introducing the results for Q1 2020. The webinar is scheduled for 15 May 2020 at 11.00 am EET and will be held...
Tallinna Sadam korra
Tallinna Sadam korraldab 2020. a I kvartali tulemuste tutvustamiseks veebiseminari
May 11, 2020 02:00 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
AS Tallinna Sadam kutsub huvilisi osalema ettevõtte 2020. a I kvartali majandustulemusi tutvustaval veebiseminaril 15. mail 2020 kell 11.00 EET. Veebiseminar toimub inglise keeles. Ettevõtte tulemusi...
Dividend proposal
Dividend proposal
May 05, 2020 02:45 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
On 4 May 2020, the Supervisory Board of AS Tallinna Sadam (hereinafter “Tallinna Sadam”) approved a new dividend proposal submitted by the Management Board to pay a dividend of EUR 0.115 per share in...
May 05, 2020 02:45 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
4. mail 2020. aastal kinnitas ASi Tallinna Sadam (edaspidi „Tallinna Sadam“) nõukogu juhatuse esitatud uue dividendiettepaneku maksta 2020. aastal dividendi 0,115 eurot aktsia kohta, kokku summas...
Tallinna Sadama tüta
Tallinna Sadama tütarettevõtte TS Laevad ja Maanteeameti koostööleping lisareiside tellimiseks ja uue parvlaeva hankimiseks
May 04, 2020 02:00 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
Seoses oodatava nõudluse kasvuga järgnevatel aastatel Virtsu-Kuivastu ja Rohuküla-Heltermaa parvlaevaliinidel, sõlmisid ASi Tallinna Sadam tütarettevõte OÜ TS Laevad ja Maanteeamet sõitjateveo avaliku...
Tallinna Sadam subsi
Tallinna Sadam subsidiary TS Laevad and Road Administration signed an agreement for additional trips and acquiring new ferry for Virtsu-Kuivastu line
May 04, 2020 02:00 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
In connection with the expected increase in demand on the Virtsu-Kuivastu and Rohuküla-Heltermaa ferry lines in the following years, OÜ TS Laevad, a subsidiary of AS Tallinna Sadam, and the Estonian...
AS Tallinna Sadam 20
AS Tallinna Sadam 2020 Q1 passenger and cargo flows
April 07, 2020 09:00 ET | AS Tallinna Sadam
In 2020 Q1, 4.8 million tonnes of cargo and 1.6 million passengers passed through the harbours of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the cargo volume increased 2.0%. The...