- Voluntary bid
June 01, 2007 05:24 ET | Actavis Group hf.
See attachment. ...
- Valfrjálst yfirtökutilboð
June 01, 2007 05:24 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Sjá meðfylgjandi skjöl. ...
- Stjórn Actavis metur væntanlegt yfirtökutilboð
May 11, 2007 12:10 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Stjórn Actavis staðfestir að tilkynning um væntanlegt frjálst yfirtökutilboð Novator, félags í eigu Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, stjórnarformanns Actavis hefur nú verið tekið til skoðunar. Hluti...
- Directors of Actavis to review takeover bid and obtain fairness opinion
May 11, 2007 12:10 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 11 May 2007 ― Actavis Group (OMX: ACT) announces that the expected voluntary takeover offer made by Novator, an investment vehicle led by the Chairman of Actavis, Bjorgolfur Thor...
- Market making temporarily ceased
May 11, 2007 04:21 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Landsbanki and Actavis Group hf. and Kaupthing Bank and Actavis Group hf. have agreed that Landsbanki's and Kaupthing Banks´s market making in Actavis Group's shares will as May 10, 2007 be...
- Viðskiptavakt tímabundið hætt
May 11, 2007 04:21 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Landsbanki Íslands hf. og Actavis Group hf. og Kaupþing banki hf. og Actavis Group hf. hafa komist að samkomulagi um að viðskiptavakt Landsbanka Íslands hf. og Kaupþings banka hf. með hlutabréf...
- Moved to Observation List
May 10, 2007 08:32 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Actavis Group hf. (International pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and sales of generic pharmaceuticals) symbol ACT, has been moved to observation list due to voluntary takeover...
- Hlutabréf hafa verið færð á athugunarlista
May 10, 2007 08:32 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Hlutabréf Actavis Group hafa verið færð á athugunarlista með vísan til tilkynningar til Kauphallarinnar þann 10. maí 2007 vegna yfirtökutilboðs. ...
- Actavis staðfestir móttöku yfirtökutilboðs
May 10, 2007 07:04 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Actavis staðfestir að félaginu hefur borist tilkynning frá Novator, félags í eigu Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, stjórnarformanns Actavis þess efnis að félagið hyggist gera hluthöfum Actavis...
- Actavis receives non-binding takeover bid
May 10, 2007 07:04 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 10 May 2007 ― Actavis Group (OMX: ACT) confirms that it has received an announcement from Novator, an investment firm led by the Chairman of Actavis, Bjorgolfur Thor...